Are you looking for scat and other kinds of extreme porn that mainstream tube sites just do not have? If so, you know what a drag it can be to find this kind of content. You cannot find it just anywhere. And when you want to watch performers that know how to push that fucking envelope and deliver the degrading porn videos you crave, it can feel like your options are limited.That’s not the case when you visit Copro. This one-of-a-kind porn site delivers all the disgustingly amazing scat content that you have been looking for. It isn’t just pictures of hot bitches shitting for the camera, either. To get an idea of what I’m fucking talking about though, all you have to do is take a look at the message board. There, you will find exactly what the community is into.Lively message boardOne of the first things that stood out to me was, of course, the content. That’s the entire fucking reason that you are here in the first place! I will get to that in a moment. There’s a fuck load to say about it, so be patient, you horny bastard!But the moment I noticed how much poop and vomit content was on page-after-page of scat and extreme porn goodness, I found the message board. Let me tell you; this is a pretty fucking lively board. It is rare to see message boards have so much activity nowadays. But when it comes to more niche pornography like you find on Copro, this really is not much of a surprise.Keep in mind that even though much of the board is active, that does not mean that the entirety of the message board is active. There are not that many discussions, for starters. For example, there are sections where people are asked to describe any personal scat, vomit, or otherwise extreme encounters. There are hardly any threads about personal encounters, though there are some that are present. You won’t find new mentions about the shit members got into the other night like you would on a NSFW Reddit thread, though. If that’s what you are hoping to find here, keep on looking.What you will find though, are tons of images, videos, and new sites dedicated to all things scat, vomit, pissing, and other forms of extreme porn. If you want to look beyond Copro and find new content and sites that you otherwise would know next-to-nothing about, the forum here can provide you with some good leads. You may even find a new performer that satisfies your sexual urges and gives you that memorable shitty jerk session you’ve been looking for!It looks like the board has been around for a long fucking time, too. I didn’t look through the archives too much, but I found threads from at least a few years ago. When you consider that the archives on Copro go back years and years, there is plenty to look at and discover all on your own. At the very least, it’s worth digging and seeing what you can dig up!If the message board makes you wish that you could interact with the community in other ways, you can do this! There are all kinds of ways to interact with the community, including on Discord, Telegram, and /r/Coprophagy. If you want to interact with other visitors to Copro, these platforms make it happen!You will find these links to the right on the forum homepage. Copro even allows you to sign up for a newsletter if you want daily updates about the content posted on the site. I don’t know if you want that shit (literally, all of that shit!) going to your main inbox. So it’s probably a good idea to use an alternative e-mail address. I’m not talking about your work e-mail either, you fucking idiot.Over 330 pages of scat pornNow let’s focus on the sole reason why you are here. You know, the poop porn! I am happy to say that Copro has a ton of scat, piss, vomit, and other types of extreme porn for you to jerk off to. You know the kind of adult content you are looking to watch. I don’t have to fucking spell it out for you. But take it from me, you horny fuckers: it is all here waiting for you!Judging by the thumbnails, Copro shows you the kind of content that you can expect whenever you click that ‘play’ button. I noticed newer videos of a bitch driving her car in broad daylight with shit all over her face. She was all smiles too, like she was cumming the more she smelt.Visitors won’t find any shortage of thumbnails showing hot asses covered in shit. I cannot tell you how many times ThePornDude saw a thumbnail of a fat ass that was caked in poop. They are all over the place, but that’s what you expect when you’re looking at a scat tube site anyway, right?As you look around at the content that Copro has to offer, you will notice that each page has dozens of videos. With over 330 pages of scat porn and more, you have more than enough extreme porn waiting for you to jerk off to. Whether you are interested in looking at lesbians swapping shit in their mouths or hot streams of piss landing inside every hole, Copro has what you are looking for.That goes for those that are looking for vomiting porn as well. I spotted plenty of vomit content that is sure to get you off if you’re into that sort of thing. While the thumbnails did not show much of the puking, you get a general idea regarding what you can expect in the video. For those of you that don’t want the vomit shot to be spoilt, this is a considerate touch.Archives go back over 20 yearsOne of the most impressive things about Copro is that the scat site has been around for over 20 years. That is a fucking long time, no matter what kind of tube site you are talking about. Proof of how long the site has been around is further confirmed when you look at the left-hand side of the page and notice the categories section.At the top of the categories, you will find categories that are labeled by date. The oldest category is 2002 scat, and the years go on as you go further down the page. Interestingly, 2011 and 2012 scat categories are missing. I am not sure why that is, but they are missing.When you go further down the page, you will see a section on the bottom right-hand corner of the homepage titled ‘Archives.’ Here, visitors can look at every month of Copro content as far back as October 2016. Why the archives do not go further back than that is beyond me. There is certainly content on the ‘yearly scat’ categories under the category section, so it’s not like some of these dates are missing.Wall of niches and categoriesLast but not least is the amazing selection of different niches and categories that are available on Copro. In fact, calling is a section does not really do it justice. Instead, it’s more like a wall of niches and categories! It’s a huge list, and you have to scroll down a while to see everything. It features tons of shit like…well, shit for starters. But also vomiting (as stated) virtual reality scat, and so much more.The huge list may turn some people off, but it’s impressive. At least it is all in alphabetical order. If you want to see if there is a niche or category listed, all you have to do is use the ‘Find’ function on your device to see if the keyword appears. If it’s extreme and vanilla viewers would find it fucking disgusting, chances are you are going to find what you are looking for here.One thing that annoyed the hell out of me was that performers are mixed in with the niches and categories. Because there are so many performers in the 20+ year history of this site, you can imagine that there is a fuck load of performers that are listed here. You would be right to think that, because there are way too many.The performers listed in the categories section ideally need to have their own section. It would be a great way for people to actually find their favorites apart from browsing preferred categories and niches. Even so, you’re going to find so much nasty fucking shit, piss, vomit, and more to get off to on Copro that these minor nitpicks don’t take away from the huge variety this tube site has to offer!Suggestions:Copro has so much extreme porn involving scat, piss, vomiting, and more that you may not know where to start. The categories and niches section will make that possible. With over 330 pages of porn, you have more than enough to watch. The categories and niches section could be easier to browse, but these are minor annoyances. The site has more than enough content, and that is what counts.