I love free porn tubes as much as the next guy, but let’s face it, after a while, they get old. First of all, it can be a real pain in the ass to try and find full-length, HD scenes from the professional studios on free porn tubes. You’ll end up having to dig for hours sometimes just to find one. Instead, on most of the popular free sites, like Porn Hub, Red Tube, and xHamster, what you are most likely to find are a bunch of excerpted videos with two-minute clips or so from the full video. This is, of course, meant to incentivize you to sign up for their premium subscriptions, which tend to come with premium monthly fees.Even if you do find a good free porn tube that offers full-length professional content from your favorite studios, they are never going to be nearly as current. Plus, you can’t expect a free porn tube to have every scene from the pros. There is, of course, the matter of copyright laws to contend with. And most of these sites are largely crowdsourced, meaning that you are only going to have access to whatever content your fellow users have decided to upload and make available for you to watch.I don’t know about you, but I don’t like the fate of my dick being in someone else’s hands. Unless, of course, those hands belong to a beautiful and highly skilled porn star. Jynx Maze, for example, is welcome to do whatever she wants with my dick. I’ll just sit back and enjoy. But when it comes to my porn, I like to be in control of what I can and cannot watch. I also tend to like my porn to be top-tier; only the highest quality scenes and video vixens for me.That’s why I tend to favor the pay sites over free porn tubes. Especially when it comes to the more niche categories, such as anal. If you were given the option to either pick from someone else’s pornographic scraps or to have access to a trove of exclusive, top-notch professional anal porn starring some of the hottest women in the galaxy, which would you choose?Obviously, there are good reasons to use free porn tubes. The biggest one being that they are free. And, so, if you aren’t in a particularly solid place economically, these sorts of sites are a godsend (or, more accurately, a wonderful gift from Satan). But if you have a bit of extra dough and you want the best of the best, especially when it comes to a sub-category like anal porn, you are much better off finding a great professional studio that you love and paying the monthly fee, trust me.There are plenty of pay sites that are dedicated either entirely or mostly to anal porn. Chances are, you’ve already had a chance to sample some of them on one of the many free porn tubes you’ve been frequenting for years. But when it comes time to make a decision on which site to subscribe to, it helps to have someone like me in your corner, testing them out and making suggestions accordingly. I’ve tried nearly every premium anal paysite on the market and one that I keep finding myself returning to is Holed.High-Quality Hardcore Anal PornThis is one of those cases where the name of the site tells you almost everything you need to know about it. Holed is a site that features beautiful women getting fucked in all three orifices. But, at the end of the day, the emphasis is on the third orifice … the one that doesn’t get as much attention. Yes, I’m talking about the forbidden orifice, the asshole.It’s true that anal porn isn’t for everyone. Some people are just too vanilla for the backdoor and can’t get over the fact that there is a perfectly good pussy right there that is going unused. But those people can fuck right off! I’m willing to bet that they are just butthurt because they’ve never had the privilege of making a slut’s butt hurt. I seriously doubt, come to think of it, that you have ever had that privilege either. But I’m willing to give you the benefit of the doubt.From the moment you log in and make it into the Holed members area, you’ll immediately begin to see that your money was spent wisely. At the top of the page, you’ll find the site menu bar, allowing you to easily navigate the entirety of the site (choose from Home, Scenes, Girls, Favorites, Live Cams, and Deals). Below, there is a large slideshow banner meant to promote deals with partner pay sites. But that’s not where you’re getting your money’s worth.Where you’ll immediately notice the quality that you paid for is just under that promotional banner, where no time is wasted whatsoever. Instantly, you have at your disposal large thumbnails to amazing anal porn scenes. These are Holed’s latest scenes. Each one comes complete with an upload date, an average user rating (out of 10), a ranking (pit against every Holed video to date), and an easy link for the anal starlet of the show (clicking it brings you to her own page).Beautiful Asses, Beautiful Site DesignTo access scenes in a different ordering, simply scroll up to the menu bar and on Scenes. This will result in a dropdown menu; select either Latest Scenes or Top-Rated Scenes. Now you are able to sort through all the content available on Holed by release date, most popular, most viewed, or title (alphabetically). There is also a quick-access dropdown menu to conveniently filter out specific girls and a menu allowing you to toggle any other affiliate sites (if you have access to them) such as Casting Couch X, Exotic 4K, Spy Fam, and Tiny 4K (what you have access to will depend on your membership level).Holed is, if nothing else, a huge archive of awesome anal porn that is as well organized as it is designed. Once you exploit the great site design and decide upon a video (probably rather quickly … more quickly, I’m sure, than you would do so on a free porn tube), you’ll be brought to that video’s page. And the awesome design and high quality of the site does not falter here either. Not only do the videos playback in flawless 1080p, but when you scroll down below the video screen to continue browsing, the scene follows you, playing in a small box in the corner of the page.If you have spent a good amount of time on free porn sites, I’m sure you’ve wished for a feature like this. This is what luxury looks like, folks. This is what happens when you are willing to pay for a superior product. On Holed, thanks to this nifty design, you never have to lose your boner if you decide to look for another video.Some Fun Features to Holed Your AttentionAdditionally, there are some community features to enjoy on Holed. Feel free to leave a comment on a scene, converse with a pretty enthusiastic and engaged user base, rate a video from 1-10 stars, or react to a video by choosing one of their hilarious and fun Facebook-influenced reaction emojis. Choose from “like” (a thumbs up that is gripping a cock), “Love” (a cumming cock with a red background), “funny” (a laughing cock emoji), “shocking” (a cock in disbelief), “Sad” (a crying cock emoji), or “fuck you” (no cock this time … just a middle finger). The only downside here? I wish that you could filter scenes by reaction. I want to see the porn that is making people sad.As far as the porn itself is concerned, you’re going to be hard pressed to find higher quality anal porn. The girls are smoking hot, fuck well, and the variety of angles and positions offered are professional grade. A typical format will look something like this: our anal slut plays a little bit by herself, toys her asshole, rubs her clit, does whatever she needs to do to get ready; then you’ll have a little bit of gonzo-style POV, usually for a blowjob, then it’s classic anal porn all the way through to the end. Classic, hardcore fucking without any bullshit like narrative to get in the way.All in all, I think Holed is one of the best professional anal paysites on the web. Great porn, great site design, sexy models. You really can’t go wrong. My only complaint with the site is that I think they are trying a little too hard to sell you on other products once they already have your money (I’m talking about partner sites, ‘deals,’ and their own cam site). When I’m paying for something, I expect not to be advertised to beyond that. But it’s not hard to look past once you delve into all of the beautiful asses getting fucked in HD.