Are you tired of all the nonsensical porn that just doesn’t have any substance to it? Are you craving for something more than just video after videos of people fucking and you jacking off to them? Do you want something that’s a little classier than what you’re used to? No? Hah, I feel ya, but if you do there’s Flesh Bot with their very professional blog series on all sorts of things connected to the porn industry. That’s right, this isn’t your average tube website, this place has some actual content, and it offers it to you for absolutely free.Porn media? Sure, but this place is a lot more than just thatSo, for instance, if you want to watch a video on this site, you certainly can. There is a fine selection of those to go around here, but they aren’t like the videos you’ll find on other porn sites. Instead, these hit pieces have accompanying text that gives you some more context about what’s going on, and this can really enhance the experience. This is all in case you care enough to read through the article, cause if you don’t then you might as well go to a regular old porn site and you won’t be missing anything.I’m not even trying to sound pretentious or anything, cause even I don’t wanna do this much reading just to get off to some sexy goodness. This place if for the porn connoisseurs, the people who have seen everything that can be seen when it comes to porn and are sick and tired of seeing the same shit over and over again. They wanted a change, and provides. Now you can kick back with a pipe in one hand and a monocle in the other and read as many articles on porn as you want on here. I mean, I know I’ve seen all the porn that can be seen, but I’m still not bored of it for some reason!Straight, gay, trans, or do you swing in every direction?What else can you expect from this website? Well, there are plenty of features to go around here and you can set up the website so that you only get the content that you’re looking forward to the most. For instance, at the top right of the site, you can set whether you want the content to be straight, gay, or transsexual. You can also leave it on All if you’re an adventurous type. I’m sticking to my guns so I’m all up in that Straight business. But hey to each their own, right?Then you’ve got the categories, another great way to move around in search of the perfect content. The categories aren’t your regular old ones that you’d find on other porn sites. Here the categories are as follows: Pornstars, Editorial Features, Hardcore, Celebrity, Porn Galleries, TV/Movies, Amateur, Sponsored, Lesbian, Podcast. As you can see, these are some really non-standard categories, so you should really get ready for a treat when you start browsing them.Editorial Features just like in a proper magazinePornstars are self-explanatory, this is where you’ll find all the hotties that the people over at like to write about so much. Editorial Features are some of the finest articles to surface on this website so definitely give them a look-through. Hardcore is all about finding the roughest porn and then trying to make it seem like you’re all sophisticated around it when in reality you’re a complete freak that likes to be super rough in bed. But hey, it’s all cool, I like that too.Celebrity is a tab that is really fucking boring. It doesn’t have a lot of interesting things around it. The only fun things that surface on here are when celebrities have their nudes leaked, but that isn’t so often. Porn Galleries is a place where you can check out all the porn albums that you can go through on this site. Did I mention all of this content is free? Yeah, it’s going to be hard to beat such a professional site like when all of the content that it offers you is free.Amateur content as well as some proper context for itTV/Movies is another tab that’s about the more popular media rather than straight-up porn that you’re used to. Amateur is where you’ll find the hottest homemade content and some really good articles surrounding them. Only the best get chosen to be featured here, so if you’re a fan of amateur porn, this is a place for you. You get a fantastic video, and some amazing text to accompany it and give you some context to the whole ordeal.Sponsored articles are something that nobody likes so I don’t know why they gave you this as an option. I know for a fact that pretty much nobody will click on here. I guess that the sponsors aren’t as clever and haven’t realized it yet? Let’s just shut up and keep rolling. Lesbian is, again, pretty self-explanatory. It features some of the hottest lesbian content on here (which is also under the straight category, knows what’s up). And finally, there’s the Podcast tab which… I don’t really know why they have this actually.The design if slick, it’s modern, and the colors workI really like the way that this place looks by the way. The colors are nice and contrasty so you get to see everything clearly. The color scheme is nice too. The black and pink work really well with each other in conjunction with the white background. Oh, I can already hear it now… “ThePornDude, that’s not pink, that’s VIOLET”. Why don’t you get out with that bullshit before I violet-ly punch your face off? It’s pink and I don’t care what you say, it won’t change my mind.The layout takes some getting used to since nobody visits blogs anymore. But once you get the hang of it you’ll notice how easy it is to navigate Flesh Bot. It literally works like a porn blog with articles being placed one after the other with big flashy headlines and little snippets underneath. Think of the last news site you were on and it’s basically like that only narrower let’s say. I’m fine with that, but I think they could’ve found a way to fit more content in since you have to do quite a lot of scrolling to go over articles.You can visit the shop or the live sex cam sections for an even broader also features a shop where you can buy all sorts of porn and sex-related items. I don’t know why you’d want to buy porn DVDs since we live in the 21st century, but I guess that’s still a thing since they’re offering it. The interesting stuff that you can buy here are all the Sex Toys and there’s quite a few of them to choose from as well. Make your girlfriend stop nagging you for sex by getting her a vibrator and you can continue fucking the rest of your side chicks in peace.Oh, another important detail is that also have their own live cams! You know you’re a prestigious site when you can afford to run your own live cam business. And it’s not some kind of cheat tab on there either, it genuinely sends you to the Flesh Bot live cam experience. Other sites usually just redirect you to a completely different website and you have to deal with a complete redesign and mess that that brings. Not here though, you get exactly what you expect.All in all, this is a pretty great site. It has everything that it needs to have for a porn blog, and then it spices things up by having a store and even live cams. You can do plenty of things here, including reading, but reading jokes aside I would say that this is some proper content right here. You can definitely tell that they’ve put effort into this site, so you should definitely give a go if you’re feeling like experiencing a whole new side of the porn industry.