9Hentai.com is an up and comer in the hentai doujin porn world. 9 Hentai looks simple when you first come in, but as you read its huge collection and navigate the site, you’ll find a place that’s fresh and breezy to read without a ton of ads and other bullshit to get in your way.9Hentai is all about English-translated hentai doujins. You won’t find videos, pics, or other porno here. The collection of doujins at 9Hentai is really varied, including shit such as trannies, loli, Rule 34 parodies, and a lot more.Like most modern hentai sites, 9Hentai uses a deep tag system to organize its works. You’ll find the basics like big breasts, lesbians, and blowjobs, but you’ll also find some deep search tags including bodysuit, breast expansion, and my favorite, cockslapping.These bitches could all use a nice hard cock slap to the face in my opinion.One great thing about 9Hentai is that it respects Rule 34. Rule 34 porn refers to porn parodies of popular works, and 9Hentai features doujins based on shit including .hack, Angel Beats, One Punch Man, and a whole lot more. One Piece alone has over three hundred doujins, to give you a sense of what we’re working with.The site has all the basic features you should expect from a good porn site. We got doujin rankings (beautifully called “Most Fapped”), favorites, download options, and more. Each doujin also has a comments section so you can read what other faponauts wrote about.Anyway, the bottom line is that I really enjoy 9Hentai, so let’s dive deeper into the reasons why.Fantastic layout but with one fatal flaw9Hentai has a cool modern layout that separates itself from most hentai doujin sites. Not only is the coding a little more up to date, but 9Hentai is super respectful with its ads. You won’t find any annoying popups or pop-unders here; you’ll just see a couple of banner ads floating around that you can safely ignore.When you first enter 9Hentai, you’ll see a sexy ass gallery of the latest featured pussy. Below each cover is the title and author, although you’ll probably be too busy focusing on the pictures.Along the top of the site is a search bar. You can adjust all kinds of advanced settings, including page count range, included or excluded tags, and search tags. This is a super flexible search engine that puts most other porn places to shame.Below the search bar, you’ll find the main categorization buttons. You can organize the main gallery by newest (default), popular right now, most fapped, most viewed, or alphabetical order. The “Most Fapped” category is just a most favorited ranking, so don’t think it’s anything crazy.One cool feature is the “Jump Page” button. Basically, this lets you jump to different pages of the main gallery. If you’ve read hundreds of doujins like I did, you’ll want to jump to page 25 to find some fresh pussy to jerk off to.Personally, I prefer to ignore the main gallery and use the links on the left. You can browse 9Hentai by tags, parody (Rule 34), character, artist, or group. Parody is where you’ll want to settle down if you want to jerk off to some bitches you’re familiar with like Asuka from Evangelion or Nami from One Piece.Searching by characters works well too. 9Hentai works hard to tag all the bitches featured in these comics, so if you refuse to fap to anyone except that one special 2D waifu, 9Hentai has you covered.You’ll also find a Video link, but it was still under construction at the time of this writing. All I can say is this: if 9Hentai can bring hentai videos like it brings doujins, it’s game over. 9Hentai is going to take over the game like Ryota from Slam Dunk.So what’s my problem with 9Hentai? No list view. As perfect as this site is, there is no goddamn list view. I can’t believe it.With bitches like this, I’d rather be 2D9Hentai features thousands of English-translated doujins featuring professional quality art. The quality of the translations can be iffy at times, especially the ones with shitty speech bubbles done in MSPaint, but you’ll be hard-pressed to find amateur art here.The Rule 34 collection is absolutely fucking insane. Every letter of the alphabet features hundreds of doujins, and you’ll find parodies based on some really obscure shit. Did you ever want to jerk off to Roll from Mega Man? Well, 9Hentai got nine doujins for you to spank to my friend.You’ll find a lot of video game parodies actually, not just anime. Ace Attorney, Final Fantasy, Resident Evil, and Dragon Quest are some of my favorites. Objection! I need to find more delicious anime pussy to jerk off to!Do you really want to see some shit? Search “Adolf Hitler”. 9Hentai even has doujins featuring Adolf Hitler and his Arian bitches sucking and fucking like its 1942.There are a lot of popular doujin groups featured as well. Some of the highly featured groups include Saigado, Itou Life, and Cyclone. These groups make it easy to find more of what you enjoy, since the doujins will have really similar art styles and quality.But if you’re looking for the hottest hentai bitch ever created, check out the About page on the left. You’ll see what I mean.What I Like9Hentai is a great site.You have the main gallery which is organized by various rankings, and then the side links that organize the doujins by categories. 9Hentai is really smart the way they organized the links.The download links are fantastic as well. You won’t go through some bullshit, sitting there for thirty seconds with your dick in your hand as an ad plays. These are direct downloads where you’ll immediately see the zip file downloaded on your browser. Fucking fantastic.9Hentai also features one of the best Rule 34 selections I’ve seen. I think they have hentai doujins for every goddamn video game I’ve ever played. All those videogame bitches that I wanted to jerk off to growing up…I can unleash all my sexual energy at 9Hentai. And that’s not even counting the anime parodies they have.Finally, 9Hentai has super respectful ads. You’ll only get a handful of banner ads, nothing else. They are really easy to ignore. It almost makes me want to purposely click on them just out of respect for 9Hentai. After all, if they respect me enough not to shove popups and popunders down my throat, I should respect them also!What I Hate9Hentai is close to being a perfect doujin site, at least in my eyes. Everything looks modern, there are no broken links, and the site features direct download links that don’t have you jumping through any file host hoops.However, there is no list view. For those you don’t know, a list view is when all the comic pages are laid out on one page like a list, so you can just go down and read the entire comic without clicking page by page.This truly revolutionized the online manga world. It sounds silly, but trust me it’s true. I will never tolerate any manga site that doesn’t have a list view.For good hentai doujins, fine, I will tolerate it. I like to take my time when jerking off anyway. But it is absolutely retarded bullshit that a site as great as 9Hentai doesn’t even feature list view. For a site like this, I’ll always just download the doujin rather than read it off the page. I can’t stand clicking page by page.It’s weird because 9Hentai doesn’t even feature bullshit ads. Most porn sites will force page by page reading to shove more popups down your dickthroat, but with 9Hentai I think they are just ignorant.Either way, it is a really an unforgiveable sin, and it's goddamn depressing because 9Hentai is such a great site otherwise.Please, give us more!9Hentai is great, I just wish there was more of it. 9Hentai features nothing but English translated doujins, but they could really grow if they add some hentai videos, pictures, and more.They have a strong foundation with a modern layout, a webmaster that knows his shit, and great content. This is a true beast in the making.They also need to add a list view option. I can’t believe they don’t have this feature, and I keep thinking that I probably just missed it somewhere. List view should not only be available, but it should be the default viewing option for all doujin and manga sites. This is not negotiable!A bright future of hentai pornoThere is a promising future ahead for 9Hentai if they can keep this up. 9Hentai already boasts an excellent collection of translated doujins, and I’m excited to see what they can bring for their video section under construction.9Hentai has a personal touch that sets it apart from other doujin archives. The site has great organization, a modern UI, and inklings of a community. I can’t wait to see what this place looks like a couple of years down the line.