Yay! Pal Comix! Are you a fan of adult cartoon parodies? You know, the type of shit that Newgrounds used to pump out back in the day. Who can forget watching Raven from Teen Titans getting railed by Slade, or getting to see Sam from Danny Phantom take some ghost cock? There’s just something about these parody videos that some people find fucking amazing. Maybe it’s nostalgia or some shit. I don’t know, I’m not here to theorize about all of your issues. I’m here to talk about porn, and my porn of choice today is porn parody comics.Palcomix.com is the self-proclaimed “Home of the Adult Cartoon Comic Parody.” These guys have been around producing comics since as early as 2004. That’s over a decade of nut-busting, jaw-dropping original content. It’s not the biggest site in the world with just over 1 million site visits every month, but the community is pretty strong.Site Feels Dated and Content is Hard to FindThe age of the site is apparent when you first visit it. I felt like I had time-traveled back to the early 2000s. I swear, I was afraid to go outside and see if people were rocking fauxhawks, Ed Hardy t-shirts, and cargo pants again. Dark times…dark times. But this site is about as hard to look at as the people who were sporting that shit. It’s bright white with orange, yellow, and black boxes that separate most of the content. If you can even find the content. This site is an absolute mess.The first thing you are greeted with, besides the age check at the start, is this big flashing box that advertises something called Peitro’s club. Judging by what the ad says, it looks like it has something to do with getting personalized gifts and content for the forum maybe. It’s blown up and has the option to click on it, but that doesn’t do anything. The ahegao chicks in the advertisement are hot and all, but I’d like to be able to find out a bit more about this thing that is the first thing visitors of your site will see.If you scroll down a bit you will see some ads for artists. These aren’t bad. It’s pretty cool that they promote artists in the industry and all, but you’ll notice that we still haven’t found content. Let’s dig deeper and scroll some more. More ads, a message to the fans for their support during hard times, some more ads. Phew, getting tired here, but we can do this. A huge ad for a membership to their hentai network, a few more artist ads, and holy shit here we are. Content! I was worried that for a minute there I wouldn’t have anything to tell you about.Not a Ton of Free Content, but Multiple Premium Options are AvailableIt’s not as much as I would have expected with how long this site has been around. There are probably a little over 100 comics here to check out, but at least they’re all free. There is a premium account option called Palcomix VIP that gives you access to all of the sites in the HentaiKey network, as well as the ability to contribute content to the site and view their comic archive. Though I’m pretty sure you can contribute content for free by emailing them.But back to the content. It’s laid out A-Z and the listing tells you what the comic is a parody of, what the title of it is, who the author is, and what kind of content it contains. You can’t really search here unless you use ctrl+f, which would be a bigger deal if there were more comics. As is, it’s relatively easy to scroll through and see what they have.When you first click on the link to the comic you’ll get taken to an ad, but you can click past it by hitting the link at the bottom of the page. Once you’re there, you will see a list of thumbnails that you can click to. Once you click on one, you can click again to have it take you to the next page in the story. Arrow key support would have been nice here, so I wouldn’t have to fuck with my mouse while I’m jerking off, but, unfortunately, you can’t do that here.The comics load well, the art is nice, and the navigation is easy. You can skip pages or go back to the thumbnail page if you want. The only thing is that you can’t go back without hitting the back keys on your browser or retyping in the website. Yeah, it’s really clunky. You can’t just click back to the comics or home page.Engaging Forum, Confusing Layout Changes, No Dedicated Mobile Site, and Broken FeaturesOnce you manage to find your way back to the front page, you have some options. The top bar has tabs for “comics, gallery, forum, 3d modeling, Patreon, store, Pal Vip, and Mobius Unleashed.” I don’t know why they even bother with having a comics button. It doesn’t fucking work. The comics page is the home page, but if you try and click that button on the few other tabs that actually retain the original menu, you’ll just get taken to an error page. I get that this is a smallish site with amateur site design, but it is frustrating to get around here.The gallery page takes you to some other site called jabarchives.com. Here you’ll be directed to the owner of Palcomix’s personal gallery page. They have a whopping two galleries posted in 2015 and 2017. Way to stay up to date. Another useless tab. At least the forum page makes sense. It’s done well and Is actually posted in. Tons of posts and threads from today alone. There are threads to discuss comics, artists, collaborations, and more. When you go to this page the colors scheme, logo and menus change and sometimes these pages have different sub-menu options. It’s really damn confusing.Moving on we have the 3d modeling page. This works just like the gallery tab. This takes you to yet another site called sketchfab.com where you can check out the site owner’s personal 3d modeling gallery. It’s neat, but it’s not really porn. It’s more like some semi-lewd stuff you’d see somewhere like deviant art. The site owner does take commissions, which is cool if you want to have a certain character modeled for 3d printing or something.The Patreon page is a Patreon page, so let’s skip that. The store tab is currently useless. It also redirects to jabarchives, but the store is closed. So, who knows what they even have. My guess is that you can buy digital copies of premium comics or buy CDs and DVDs with the comics on them. I can’t say much about the price or anything since it’s down, but I can’t imagine it’s too pricey. And the final two pages for Pal VIP and Mobius unleashed both give you access to different sites for a cost. Mobius looks to be just a few sites that are all porn comics, while VIP gives access to the larger HentaiKey network.The mobile site isn’t really worth using. It’s not like it’s littered with invasive ads or anything, but it’s simply not done well, or at all really. It’s the exact same as the desktop site. To use it you need to zoom in really far, and it’s just no fun to use. Yeah, everything about the site works on mobile, but it’s not even worth it. Hopefully, they come out with a dedicated mobile design for the site eventually.ThePornDude’s Favorite Features & SuggestionsI really don’t have any favorite features this time around. Most of what they do here I have seen done better by other better-managed sites. The content is good, and they support the artists who contribute content, but that’s the extent of the good here. It’s a poorly designed site with a lot of glaring issues. At the very least, there aren’t any pop-up ads or anything like that. And I don’t want to harp too much on the site issues again either. I’ve talked about them in length above.ThePornDude’s Final thoughtsOverall, palcomix.com (often misspelled as "Pal Comics") could use some work. They do have some great and free porn comics here if this is your thing, but I would suggest you still look around elsewhere. There are other sites that do what palcomix does, but much better. I do think the forum is worth checking out though. But check it out for yourself! Who knows, you might like it better than I did.