Reddit Normal Nudes, aka r/NormalNudes! Even though there are tons of adult subreddits available, how many are there that invites ordinary people to post nude photos of themselves? Not that many. If you’ve ever wanted to post a nude of yourself online for people to critique without calling you a fat cow or my personal favorite, ‘cheese tits,’ then head over to Here, you will find people that are just as out of shape as you are.I won’t lie: a lot of the content is impressive. Who knew so many dorks talking discussing the Final Fantasy VII remake had bodies that didn’t look like a pile of gelatin? Then again (and as you’ll see as you browse through the list), many do. Come for the hot, 100% amateur nudes and stick around longer than usual for the train wrecks (because they’re fucking here). Check out this interesting subreddit – you won’t soon forget it!Normal people, normal nudesAs much as I love watching hot bitches show off their perfect tits and asses, or even looking at amateurs that Photoshop their pictures to hell and back, there’s something special about looking at nude photos of ordinary people. Not the nudes that were systematically snapped to make it look like the bitch is 100 pounds underweight (if you’ve met a bitch to fuck offline using an app like Tinder or something similar, you know what kind of bullshit I’m talking about), I’m talking about nude photos that show the true self of the person in the photo.That’s what you get – for better or worse – at The people that post their photos here are not in any way the kind of sluts you’d find on /r/gonewild. These aren’t wannabe cam models, premium Snap models, or those that look like they’re one solo session on PornHub away from getting a call from Jordi El Nino Polla himself asking the bitch to fly up to LA so he can fuck her in front of his talent agents. No, these are men and women who you would run into on the street getting coffee before going to their lame-ass, depressing job earning an unlivable wage like everyone else.And that’s what’s so great about Whether you’re a 10 (a real 10, not a self-rated 10) or a 0.5 that looks like they crawled out of a sewer grate like a deformed mutant, all are welcome and encouraged to post their nude photos! Browse around the subreddit for even a little while, and it will become apparent that a lot of the people posting their nudes aren’t necessarily doing it so they can get off to the fact that people are looking at their nudies and masturbating to the image – many of them are doing it for the self-confidence boost. Hey, you know what they say: one man’s psychological woes is another man’s fap material.Do they say that? No? Well, they should – especially on because it applies here!A safe haven for posting nudesLook, bros. I don’t really give two shits if there is a ‘safe space’ on the Web for people to post nude photos. I’m not fucking interested in anyone’s issues: if you don’t feel comfortable with your fucking body, don’t post a picture of your tiny cock on the Internet than boo-hoo about it when someone rightly says it’s smaller than their girlfriend’s clit. But if such a safe space can thrive and entice people to show their naked bodies that otherwise never would have done so, fuck I can get behind that! It’s more jack off material for the rest of us the white knights on Reddit get to blow smoke up each bitches’ ass by telling them they are the hottest thing since they watched their mother deep throat a hot dog in one bite at their family reunion over 20 years ago. It’s a win-win across the board, so who can complain?There’s not really another place like this on the Web: to that end, I suppose that’s something to celebrate. But the fact that this is truly a safe haven for everyone (literally: if you tell someone they're a fat cow or have the balls of a mummified Egyptian Pharaoh you’re banned) means that nobody has to post their nudes in fear. They won’t receive any comments telling them that they're disgusting. They may receive a DM or instant message telling them something vile, but those people can be reported and banned, too.With the risk factor of one’s ego getting damaged being virtually zero, this means that there is regularly posted content all the time. When browsing by ‘New,’ there were images posted at least a few times an hour. In some cases, content was posted nearly every 10-minutes. It depends on the time of day that the most enticed users are online, browsing the sub, and wanting to participate.Too many penisesRemember how I said the images on are, ‘for better or worse?’ Also, remember a moment ago when I said this is a ‘safe haven,' and people aren’t allowed to criticize others for posting their nude photos? Well, that’s an open invitation for men to post pictures of their dicks for the world to see.If you think about it, this is the perfect place for any guy to do this. These dudes never have to worry about anyone telling them that they look fucking disgusting and like a pig, nor will a woman ever scold them for even sharing that hideous cock. Guys are never going to feel judged or lesser-than, and they’re certainly not going to be scolded for sharing. It’s the perfect recipe to make a guy show his cock to the world – especially if he gets off to it. They better hope ThePornDude doesn’t share his cock – my red rocket would soar to the top post of all time in no time!And because of this, is full of penises. That isn’t to say that women don’t post here – they do and often. But if cock and pussy were a stock, the cock stock would plummet, and the pussy stock would stay high – for the number of penises, there’s not enough tits and vagina to look at.Even browsing by ‘New’, though, there were plenty of women that posted content throughout a day. I’m not going to try and come up with a ratio, but for every 30 penises, I suppose I saw 1-2 female nudes. Those are pretty good odds, and it goes back to the fact that allows people to post their nudes in a judgment-free zone without feeling ridiculed or disgusting. That’s the trade-off for giving people a safe space for posting nudes: sure, you get hot pussy and nice tits that may belong to a girl you work with in the office, but my God you’ve got to weed through a lot of peckers to get there.Simple to sort and navigateThat’s why most people are going to want to use the convenient sorting options that every subreddit utilizes. If you’ve used Reddit before, then you already know how to use them. To avoid looking at any penises, you can sort content by hot, rising, and top (in addition to new, of course). From there, users can apply filtering options to filter content by time: now, today, this week, this month, this year, and all time.To see the very best of the best on this near-decades old subreddit, choose top and whatever filtering options you prefer. The cream always rises to the top, so it’s a near-guarantee that the majority of the content found when browsing in this manner will ensure you see only the hottest bitches that have ever posted on the sub. I used these browsing options for this review, and let me tell you: you’re going to wonder how any of these hot pieces of ass had any doubt that they weren’t drop-dead sexy in the first place. To see the hottest chicks, sort in this way.Over 230,000 peopleAn endless ocean of cocks aside, has huge numbers for its subreddit, and they no doubt deserve it. They’ve created a community that people respond to, and although their posts may give them a confidence boost, we get to gawk at them and jack off to raw, amateur pieces of ass. This is truly some of the most amateur content you’re going to find on Reddit – and the fact that it’s cheaper than therapy means that ordinary people are going to continue posting nude images to the subreddit for as long as its around. Keep up the good work, may your subreddit grow for many moons to come! is a fantastic place for authentic, raw, amateur images of naked women. Unfortunately, more men post on the subreddit than women. There’s nothing they can do about this – and if the moderators abide by the rules they’ve set for themselves on the subreddit, there’s nothing they should do about this. Still, it’s an excellent resource for true nudes.