What's so great about PornoCarioca (pornô carioca)? What kind of name is "carioca porno" anyway? Don’t you ever get tired of watching scene after scene of the same old, scripted, staged professional porn? Don’t you ever crave something a little more natural, a little more real, a little more relatable? If so, you are in luck, my friend. Amateur porn is currently experiencing a golden age. One thing that makes this an extremely fortunate time to be alive is the fact that now, more than ever before, amateur porn is so easily accessible and there is a literal fuck ton of it on the web.In addition to the hundreds of thousands of porn sites dedicated to providing you with traditionally produced porn, there are now thousands upon thousands of sites out there dedicated to providing you with amateur porn as well. And, I don’t know about you, but, personally, I tend to prefer homemade porn over the professional studios. It’s just so much more realistic. The girls are actually being pleasured, having real orgasms, and you aren’t inundated with countless plastic Barbie bitches with fake tits and plastic smiles.Not that there’s anything inherently wrong with fake tits. I just prefer tits that I know for a fact aren’t going to burst and ooze silicone everywhere if I squeezed them really hard. If you want natural tits, real orgasms, and real chemistry, amateur porn is where it’s at. Plus, there’s something kind of voyeuristic about it all that I just find irresistible.The homemade aesthetic of the filming (the not so perfect quality, the shakiness of the camera, the lack of performance to it) makes it almost seem like you’re not supposed to be seeing it. Which, of course, at least in most cases, is obviously often untrue (it is becoming increasingly common for couples upload their porn onto the internet together), but it still has that vibe about it, which I fucking love.Real Fucking Chicks from BrazilEven better yet, there are websites out there dedicated specifically to providing porn solely from Brazil. Which means that your odds of seeing a video of a girl you know automatically get increased exponentially. That girl who briefly eye fucked you on the bus? She may have a sex tape. That chick who was in your freshman writing class? Keep an eye out for her.Sites like Porno Carioca give you real Brasileiras in real situations really getting fuck really fucking well. They have a huge archive of amateur porn, all shot in Brazil … hence the name. It is a porn tube site. But it is not only a porn tube site. Here, I’ll let the people of Porno Carioca speak for themselves: “The Porn Carioca brings together the best Porn of Brazil […] the 1st in Quality Porn Videos, Erotic Tales […] and Amateur Pictures.”Porno Carioca uploads content every day and has thousands upon thousands of videos, films, and photos. Although they offer primarily amateur videos and pictures, they also have a sizeable collection of professionally produced porn movies (not to mention the erotic stories). The only real limitation that PornoCarioca.com puts on its content is that it must have been produced in Brazil.Pretty Standard Site DesignThe site’s layout and design will look fairly familiar to anyone who has ever been on a porn tube site before (such as Xvideos, Porn Hub, or Red Tube). On the home page, you have a black background, a banner up top, a menu bar, a gallery of video thumbnails in the middle, and a list of linked categories at the bottom. Pretty standard stuff.The banner features a stylized and heavily filtered collage of porn screenshots as a backdrop to the site’s logo. Next to the logo is a cartoon dude, something of a pimp in a white and red suit, tipping his fedora and cheesing. Maybe it’s just his goatee that makes me say this, but he kind of looks like a douche.As far as the menu bar is concerned, you can choose from Categories, Videos, Movies, Photos, and Tales. Below that, you can decide how you want thumbnails to appear. Either by Newest Videos, or Most viewed. Again, pretty typical for a porn tube site like this. Nothing out of the ordinary.I actually enjoy how straight forward this site is. No bullshit, no frills, nothing. Just Brazilian porn, and lots of it. There are no hoops to jump through, things to sign up for, everything is clearly labeled and easy to find, it’s not too cluttered or anything.Although, while we’re on the subject of clutter, I’m generally just not a big fan of long-winded categories lists being tagged onto the bottom of the home page as if the site designer just didn’t know where to put them. I would much rather see that everything has a place and to have that extra space made available for more thumbnails.There are a number of easy solutions to this problem, too, so, whenever I see that I immediately think ‘lazy site-building.’ But, hey, it’s not gonna kill my boner or anything. I’m just a little OCD and I tend to prefer a more minimalistic vibe.As far as the media player is concerned, again, it is pretty standard. It does everything it needs to do: play, pause, full-screen. There are no special features or anything to look forward to in that department. Having said that, though, it works well. I didn’t have any issues with slow buffering times or broken links. And that is certainly more than I can say about some sites I’ve seen.Additionally, you can rate videos as a guest (there doesn’t appear to be any user registration or membership option), so that is always good. And below the video, Porno Cariocas provides us with a smattering of related videos to choose from … helping us to keep the never-ending search for that perfect video going.The list of categories also conveniently follows you wherever you go on the site, meaning that you don’t ever have to fuck around with clicking back into a “categories” section in order to jump ship and start hunting down something entirely different. I know I talked shit a little bit earlier about their categories list being a little sloppy, but I can’t argue with the fact that I appreciate it being there whenever I click on a new video.This Site Could Be So Much MoreThe site, I think, does what it does fairly effectively. My biggest issue with it is that I wish it did more. It feels kind of … small. Incomplete. Like it’s missing something. Actually, I think it’s missing a few somethings. Some of which I kind of just assumed were standard by now when it comes to what automatically gets incorporated into porn sites.The first thing I feel is glaringly missing from this site is the ability to register as a user. Pornoholics today want to be able to customize their experience as much as possible. Why not add in a feature for them to do so? I’m not even necessarily calling for some sort of elaborate social networking or dating capabilities (although those would certainly be nice, especially since the site is intended solely for people in Brazil), just being able to save videos for later or create playlists would probably suffice.For a website that aims to provide tons of Brazilian amateur content, why not double (maybe even triple) your content by allowing users to upload videos of themselves and their partners? One of the coolest things about the internet is that it provides a platform for people to produce their own porn and share it with the world (or in Porno Carioca’s case, primarily with their country). It just seems to me like a no-brainer to add this feature.Plus, it’s always nice when users can discuss the videos in comments. Say you don’t know who a girl is … post a comment like “who is she?” and eventually someone else chimes in with the answer. For a site dedicated specifically to Brazil, I would definitely like to see more of an effort put forth to create a sense of community or comradery amongst its users.Fostering a sense of active user participation also particularly seems relevant to the Tales section. What is literature without discussion? Well, it’s just reading, I guess. Give us the means to interact, Porno Carioca!All in all, Porno Carioca (often misspelled as "sexo carioca", "pono carioca", "pormo carioca", "pornôcarioca", "porbo carioca", "porno.carioca", and "pornor carioca") is a decent porn tube site. Both amateur and professional content to choose from, plenty of erotic lit to read if you need a little break from the visual stimuli, and all Brasileiras, nothing else. I really fucking love this aspect of the site … I just wish Porno Cariocas would really own it and create something of a community for Brazilian porn lovers to come together, meet up, fuck, and chat.This site has the potential to be a game-changer. For now, it’s an alright place to go to fap to Brazilian chicks. Enjoy.