Looking for a female-friendly porn aggregator like For Her Tube? Historically speaking, porn has been made primarily for men. The overwhelming majority of porn focuses on scenarios, fantasies, and styles of fucking that men would like. In fact, that’s been one of the biggest criticisms of pornography since its inception—that it is all just a bunch of wildly unrealistic shit dreamt up by men for men, and that no woman could ever possibly enjoy many of the positions, situations, and things like sucking a dick right after it’s been in an asshole.And, let’s be completely honest with ourselves for a moment, there is some credence to that claim, don’t you think? Think about it. How would you like to taste your own (or someone else’s, for that matter) asshole on someone’s cock as he fucks your throat with the shit-smelling thing? Okay, maybe I have underestimated your freakiness. Maybe that is exactly what you’re into. If so, you’re probably best off just downloading Grindr and getting throat fucked in a bathroom stall at Chipotle on your lunch break. Hey, no judgment here.In response to this criticism of the porn industry, however, there has been an uptick in the amount of porn that is made for (and, in some cases, by) women. You may have seen female POV videos online, or more realistic lesbian scenes popping up here and there. These are both examples of what I’m talking about. Real lesbians don’t, for example, actually scissor. Do you know how pussies work? There’s no way that violently smashing lady bits together could ever be pleasurable for either party.Sometimes called sex-positive porn, women’s porn is becoming increasingly popular these days. We are seeing more and more female porn directors, producers, and agents in the industry. We are also seeing more and more videos in which women aren’t merely featured as an object to fulfill a man’s lust. Women’s porn features ladies who are much more active, dominant, and committing sex acts on camera that actually help them to cum (and not just fake it for men to jack off to).You might be surprised to hear this, but I am actually all for sex-positive porn. That’s not to say I don’t still enjoy the hardcore shit I’ve always liked, but I’m all for women receiving pleasure just as much as I do. I don’t understand why you wouldn’t be. Isn’t it one of the main goals of fucking, at the end of the day, to make your woman cum? Why wouldn’t you be down with porn that reflects that?The Female OrgasmI guess if you’ve never made a woman cum, maybe you wouldn’t understand how fucking amazing it is. If you’re reading my reviews, chances are you haven’t ever made a woman cum, so I guess I can’t really expect you to understand. That being said, if you haven’t ever made a woman orgasm uncontrollably, I challenge you to try it next time you fuck. Do your homework, find the clit, find the G-spot, pay attention to her reactions, and really give it your best shot. I guarantee it will fuck your whole world up. And hers. In the best way possible.A Great Porn Aggregator SiteOkay, that’s enough of my manifesto on the female orgasm. Now that we’ve established some of the reasons for and background of porn for women, let’s see what one of these sites has to offer. At first glance, forhertube.com doesn’t look that far off from any other porn tube on the internet. The only real notable difference to be found is a pink background. You’ve got a huge list of category-based thumbnails, with an even longer list of alphabetically listed categories at the bottom.Then you might notice a disclaimer at the top of the page, which reads, “Girls only! Guys, go to fuq.com.” Well, fuck that, I’ll stick around and check out For Her for as long as I please, thank you very much. I did click on their sister (brother?) site link, though, just to see what sort of discernible difference there might be in terms of content.What Makes For Her Tube Different?Of the top 10 or so categories, there are a few interesting differences. Whereas For Her features categories such as “seduction,” “pussy eating,” “fantasy,” and “orgasm;” fuq.com has “mom,” “big ass,” and (prepare yourself for hilarious irony) “big dick.” I never realized how gay traditional straight porn can be sometimes. But, if you think about it, that’s pretty gay. Something for you to mull over the next time you go out of your way for big dick porn…It’s not like there is no overlap, however, between the videos featured on For Her and the videos you’ll find on most tradition porn tubes. You’ll still see plenty of videos labeled things like “rough,” “18,” “Mom,” “anal,” and “double penetration” on forhertube.com, it’s just that you’ll also find videos with labels like “sensual,” “female POV,” “fingering,” and “story.”You’re also not likely to find the typical popular porn studios on a site like this. Browsing what For Her has to offer, you’re not going to find a ton of videos by studios like Brazzers or Naughty America. Much of it looks pretty low-budget—high in quality and production, just not a lot of premium HD stuff to be found due to the nature of the sex-positive porn market. It’s just a lot smaller still. There definitely are some videos from these larger, more traditional studios to be found here, they just seem to be more selective with which clips they do link to.Clever Marketing, Or Actually Different?The more I browse For Her Tube, the more I wonder if this aggregator site isn’t more about branding than it is about actually providing exclusively sex-positive pornography. There is a great deal of overlap, after all, with stuff I have found on normal porn sites of the patriarchy. You’re still getting linked to places like Pornhub, Redtube, and Extremetube. I’m not seeing many videos that link to other uniquely female-friendly porn sites, which makes me really curious as to how they go about aggregating these links to begin with.Ad Free is the Way to Be!I am very happy to report, at any rate, that ForHerTube does not contain a single advertisement! This is, as you know, very rare for a porn site (let alone a porn aggregator site). You won’t find any hidden popup links or ads in the margins. It is beautiful. No man’s land is a paradise after all. Very happy about that. You will still find ads once you click into the site that hosts your video of choice, though. But For Her Tube can’t really do anything about the fact that places like Pornhub and Youporn have ads.For Her Tube may not be for many of you guys out there. But I think the girls will love it. And maybe you macho meathead fucks could learn to enjoy it too; you might even be able to learn a thing or two about pleasing your girl from watching some of these videos. Hey, if you don’t want to go out of your way to please her, I will be more than happy to—send her my way!This is a great site with tons of content. I love their lack of ads and the fact that you can find a good number of videos that you won’t find in most other places on the web. A great pallet cleanser from the same old, same old. Well, I guess it’s time to go light some candles, put on some smooth jazz, and run a bath while I slowly touch myself to a video on For Her Tube.Just kidding, your girl is on her way over, and I’m going to eat her tight little pussy until she cums all over my face! See ya!