RealityLovers! What is the most useful application of virtual reality technology that we have available to us today? If you answered porn, you would probably be right. I mean, I don’t know about you, but I can’t think of any better use of virtual reality. Sure, maybe it could be used to help train cops or firefighters before they have to go out into the field and put themselves in highly dangerous, life-threatening circumstances. But I don’t know, porn still seems to be the best way to use it if you ask me. And it would seem as if I am far from alone in this opinion, considering the fact that porn is one of the main industries (if not the main industry) that has driven the leaps and bounds that the technology has made in the past five years or so.If you think about it, it makes perfect sense. The whole idea of porn is to minimize the line between reality and fantasy. The closer we can get to merging the two, the better. So, there is no surprise whatsoever that porn and virtual reality would come together … in a way, virtual reality is what porn has always been about creating, even when the technology wasn’t there. The idea has always been to project yourself into the sexual circumstances of the actors. And now, thanks to advances in VR tech, that has become easier than ever.In fact, nowadays it takes any imaginative effort at all. Just throw on a pair of VR goggles and become the actor being satisfied by the beautiful porn star. Pair this HD experience with binaural audio recording, and the line between fantasy and reality is practically nonexistent. The only barrier left, of course, is the fact that masturbating still does not feel anything like the real thing.Although there are technologies working to change that as well, with male masturbators and synthetic pussies that are made to sync up with the fucking of the video. In a few years, people won’t even have to go out to get laid. They’ll just throw on a pair of VR goggles, turn on some sort of sex robot and sit back while our needs are serviced for us. What a strange and beautiful time to be alive.The biggest downside, though, when it comes to VR porn is, of course, the cost. A good set of VR goggles is far from cheap. In fact, you can expect to drop at least a few hundred dollars on a headset alone if you expect to fully enjoy the pleasures awaiting you in the world of VR porn. Sure, you can try something like Google Cardboard, which is significantly cheaper and utilizes your smartphone, but the quality is, as you might expect, shit compared to a decent VR headset.Plus, if you have a crack in your phone’s screen (which so many of us do), you can kiss a decent VR experience goodbye. This device (and those like it) are also flimsy, literally made of cardboard, so they are far from anywhere near the level of immersion that you’ll achieve with an Oculus Rift, Gear headset, or the like. So, if you are seriously considering becoming a VR porn buff, you are going to want to get serious about your tech. But before we can even get that far along in the process, you’ll probably want to preview a few VR porn sites, to see if there is even a site out there that you could see yourself enjoying.Luckily for you, that is precisely what I am here to do. You may have been keeping tabs on my other VR porn site reviews that I’ve done. If not, you may find it helpful to go through and read a few of them, just to compare and contrast. But, for now, I’ll be taking you through a VR porn site called Let’s see how they stack up against the competition.Compatibility: Check. Quantity: CheckFirst of all, you will be happy to learn that, much like any VR porn site worth its salt, Reality Lovers is compatible with all the major VR headsets. So, you won’t be limited if you just want to get, say, Google Cardboard, to try it out before committing to dropping a few hundo on a better device. Reality Lovers, however, will also pair perfectly with the Oculus Rift, Oculus Go, Gear VR, Daydream, HTC Vive, and Playstation VR. Again, this is a big purchase, so you’ll probably want to do a fair amount of research of your own before deciding on which headset will be right for you based on your budget and personal concerns.Now, one of the first things that you’ll want to take a look at when weighing your options with any porn site is how many videos they have and how frequently they upload new content. This is especially true, however, of VR porn sites, since they are bound to be significantly newer. You want to make sure you don’t sign up for a site that only has ten or twenty videos. You don’t want to drop all this money on a VR headset, sign up for a subscription, and then fap your way through their entire archive in one weekend.Reality Lovers, however, actually has a fair number of videos to enjoy for a relatively new VR site. Obviously, they don’t have as many as a typical premium pay porn site would, but that is to be expected; the medium is still pretty fresh. At 273 videos, though, you shouldn’t be disappointed. That is a pretty impressive amount, as far as I am concerned, for a VR site. Plus, you can expect new movies at a consistent rate. It looks like they provide a new upload every week. Good, there’s nothing worse than a porn site that you pay for monthly and get dicked out of new videos from. One a week is a very respectable rate.Great VR Vids, But One Major DownsideBut, as I’m sure you are already well aware, it’s not just quantity that matters when it comes to porn. If anything, what is arguably more important is quality. And Reality Lovers definitely has plenty of quality, both in their HD 3D video and in the quality of the girls. A VR porn site isn’t worth dick, of course, if the virtual reality you are being transported to is that of mediocre or ugly chicks sucking you off. I am happy to report, though, that both the girls and the filming of Reality Lovers are top-notch.One thing that is kind of annoying, though, while we are on the subject: for some reason, they have decided to split their videos up by scene. This means that, instead of being able to enjoy a full 90-minute VR porno, allowing you to become completely immersed in the experience, you can only view clips of about ten minutes each.Now, this might be Reality Lovers’ way of letting you jump to the positions and situations that you want to see, but there are much better, more immersive ways to do so (scene markers, for example). This winds up just being a nuisance, forcing you to click through from scene to scene, as opposed to being able to just sit back and get lost in the experience. Total fucking buzzkill in my opinion, but maybe it won’t matter as much to you.Innovative VR OptionsOne thing that almost makes up for this, though, is the fact that every video offers two different views: POV and voyeur. This means that you can choose whether you would rather “be” the main guy, fucking the girl from a POV perspective, or just be a third-party entity, jacking off in the room while the guy fucks the girl. I will say, I feel bad for the guy who, even in his wildest fantasies, doesn’t want to be the guy getting fucked. But that’s beside the point. Either way, it is kind of cool that Reality Lovers offers two perspectives, allowing you to enjoy a more classic twist on VR porn as well as the wholly immersive one. As far as I know, Reality Lovers is the only site that does this too.The site design is minimalist and effective, allowing you to get straight to the porn without too much getting in your way. All you have is a very simple site menu bar at the top of the page, with a bunch of videos down below. From the site menu, easily browse content by a search bar, Videos, Categories, or Porn Stars. It’s simple to use, looks clean and neat, and won’t take you too far out of your fantasy world.All in all, if you want a fuck ton of hot VR sluts to fuck, or if you want a fuck ton of hot VR sluts to watch someone else fuck, Reality Lovers will have you covered. You’ll have to deal with the videos being broken into clips, but to each his own. Happy fapping, and don’t forget about the real world!