Life is full of simple pleasures. I love going to town on an eager nympho’s pussy any day of the week, but even I, feel lazy sometimes. Now, I don’t make a lifelong habit of it like you lard balls. I don’t spend every waking hour jerking it to hentai and laying in bed munching on chicken tendies. Instead, there are days and nights where I want nothing more than to lay my head back and let some whore jerk my dick. I don’t need her to deepthroat my cock or shove it up her ass. Sometimes it’s nice just to get lubed up and blow a quick load over her carefully manicured fingers.If that sounds like your kind of night, then you’ll be more than happy with the massive selection of HD handjob videos that has to offer. Any fapper worth his salt should know about this site by now. It’s a powerhouse of a porn tube that’s been around since back in 2002. And, fuck, they’ve had a ton of success since the inception of the site. The site looks like a smurf’s asshole, but it somehow brings nearly 3 billion users every month. To put that in perspective, that’s a little over a third population of the entire goddamn world. Man, what I’d give to see what their bank account looks like. Holy shit.A Massive Porn Tube that brings in Billions of Horny Fappers a MonthBut, as you betas have probably guessed, I’m not plunging balls-deep into all of this site’s lovely offerings. I only care about those hot videos of girls jerking cocks and finishing the job. If it’s not about a hand wrapped around a member, then I don’t give a flying fuck about it. You’ll know you’re in the right place when it feels like you’ve walked into a Blue Man Group dressing room; it’s painfully blue and full of cocks.You can get to the handjob section by heading directly to, or you can use the left-hand sidebar and scroll down to the category on the main page. It’s so simple that even you braindead fappers should be able to figure it out. The results page will be relatively simple. You get a slew of previews running down the center of the page with some useful header options if you end up venturing to the other sections of the site. I won’t spoil too much for you, but, man, there are some hot fetish categories packed into this site.Minimal Ad Clutter & a Solid LayoutAnyway, there are a little over 114 thousand handjob videos to jerk off to. You won’t be running low on this content anytime soon. You could fap to a new handjob video every day for the rest of your damn life and never run that particular well dry. And it’s all available to you cucks for free. It doesn’t matter how many videos you guzzle down. Hell, this site doesn’t even try and bend you over and fuck you up with ads. You’ll see a couple of banners here and there, but you won’t have to worry about redirects, pop-ups, or too many pre-rolls.It’s a clean user experience that a lot of sites could learn from. Granted, it is easier to have such a sleek design and experience when you’re bringing in more traffic than you know what to fucking do with. Can you imagine what their servers must look like? I wouldn’t want to be the one getting that bill. Enough about all of that nerd shit, though. It’s important to make your way around such a huge catalog of the content without taking ages to scroll through pages one at a time.Loads of Useful Filter Options Make Finding the Perfect Video SimpleLuckily, this site is sporting filter options that allow you to sort through the content by upload date, video length, video quality, and top videos of all time. Oh, and you can sort by gay, straight, and trans content if you have a craving for watching dick-girls or sissys blow their loads. There will also be a lengthy list of similar searches that will narrow down the fetish a bit. You can toggle results by tags like “MILF handjob, massage, amateur handjob, public handjob, and many more.”All of these options make it super easy to land on the perfect selection of girls lubing up cocks. The previews have all of the details you could want. You can hover your cursor over each one to get a short clip from the video, which is always a nice touch. It’s like a hot babe with a tongue piercing. I’m never looking for it, but it’s a pleasant surprise when you feel her working magic with that shit as she sucks you off. Aside from the video clip, you get a title, the uploader’s name, the view count, a rating out of 100%, the video quality, and the video length. As I said, you get a ton of great details.Download and Stream 1080p HD Handjob Videos for FreeThe full video page will give you a large player with hot handjob videos in up to 1080p HD. You can toggle the video quality, full-screen it, and download that shit straight to your spank bank as long as you have a free account with this site. Now, you’ll only be able to download and stream content up to 1080p HD. If you need to see cocks getting jerked in stunning 4K UHD, then you’ll need to dish out the dosh for a premium gold account at $9.99 a month. But I’m sure the vast majority of you fappers will be able to make do with the content available in their free catalog.In case there was any shred of doubt, the mobile version of Xnxx kicks ass. You can take all of your favorite dick-jerking, cock-rubbing, frenulum-teasing handjob videos with you no matter where life takes you. Your life probably isn’t taking you further than the cum-crusted futon in your living room, but hey, you can watch these videos there without issues. Previews load up easily, and you can download videos and stream content without worrying about too many ads. There are still a few here and there, but they won’t get in the way of the actual content.ThePornDude’s Favorite FeaturesIf you want an endless stream of handjob videos, then this is one of the best places on the internet to get your, heh, hands on it. You won’t find many catalogs that can even come close to competing with the sheer number of videos on this site. And the fact that you can stream and download these videos in crisp 1080p HD makes the experience all that much better. Fuck, some premium sites don’t let you get your hands on videos of that quality. It’s not often that a catalog can combine quality and quantity to such an extent, but these fucks have done it.ThePornDude’s SuggestionsI can’t be the only one who thinks the blue site theme is ugly as a sin. I’d suggest they change it, but I actually think it would do more harm than good. At this point, the ugly blue design is ingrained in the brand and site identity, for better or worse. Other than being hideous, this site does everything right. You can download content for free. It’s easy to make an account. And it couldn’t be easier to sort through the catalog and find the perfect content to jerk off to. Few sites even manage to hit half of the marks that this site checks off.ThePornDude’s Final ThoughtsOverall,’s vast selection of handjob videos is going to blow you fappers away. Seriously, you have over 100,000 videos in this goddamn category alone. That’s more content than some tube sites have in total, let alone in a single section. The ad clutter is minimal, and the user experience is solid. The mobile site kicks ass. I can’t think of anything that I could ask to make this site better than it already is. I guess that’s why these guys are bringing in billions. I highly recommend you handjob lovers join the crowd of horny fappers and get in on this action ASAP.