El-Ladies! With a seemingly infinite number of porn tube sites, porn aggregator sites, and other sites that cater solely to videos, it can be all too easy to forget about the wonderful world of porn pics. I hate to admit it, but even I am guilty of abandoning what is arguably the most classic form of porn in lieu of all the HD videos that are available at my sticky fingertips. But I don’t think that we should be so quick to write off the sites that cater to images, particularly those that cater to images of sexy amateur girls.I’m sure we all remember finding our first nudie mag as a kid, either stashed under an older brother’s mattress or handed down to us from a friend who found it in his dad’s closet. The first time I remember seeing a naked woman was courtesy of my step dad’s hidden stash of retro Playboys.Excited does not even begin to describe what I felt as I opened it up and, for the very first time, discovered the boundless beauty of the female form—the curves, the softest skin, the mystery of the vagina finally solved for a ten-year-old boy. A few years later I would discover with delight the fact that women can shave their bushes, only further piquing my excitement.I would spend the entirety of my teenage years in my room, jacking off like the whole world depended on it. Well, mine certainly did. Puberty is no joke. But I’m sure you can relate. Most of you never really grew out of that phase, did you?Then came the internet and, with it, a never-ending, constantly growing stash of hardcore porn videos. Honestly, in many ways, a huge step up from the stagnant images I drooled over in my youth. Jerking off to videos turned out to be much easier than photos; it required so much less imaginative work, my every fantasy playing itself out before my eyes in real time. Why would I ever go back to picture porn now?Well, there are a few reasons that I have found. Firstly, I love amateur porn. After a while, I just get sick of seeing fake, plastic bimbos with fake tits getting fucked on ritzy sets. I crave something realer, rawer, and amateur porn provides just that. But the downside, of course, is that amateur porn videos are, well, very amateurish.Often shot by a shaky hand that has no idea where to aim the thing on a shitty video camera that has no business recording anything (let alone porn), homemade videos pale in comparison to homemade pictures. At least with the photos I can always clearly make out what the girl looks like and she is fully in the frame.Plus, sometimes it is good to return to your roots. In this case, the roots of the entire porn industry. You don’t want to let your imagination completely atrophy due to disuse. So, it’s good to exercise that old spank bank muscle a bit now and then by turning a solitary still image into a hardcore fuck fest in your mind. If the internet ever went down, you’d definitely need it.That’s why I am happy that there are still sites out there like El-Ladies, dedicated to photographs of amateur chicks either posing nude, getting fucked, or fucking themselves. Even if you aren’t going to use a site like El Ladies to actually fap to, image hosting sites can be a great way to get the engine revving, if you will, to act as a sort of warm-up for whatever video you work your way to eventually.A Diverse Range of Good Amateur Porn PicsEl-Ladies specializes in amateur porn photos. Well, actually, maybe I’m using the term “amateur” a little too loosely. They do separate their photos into categories, some of which are specifically labeled “amateur,” while others are not. And some of these photos definitely look more professional than others. So, I guess what I mean when I say “amateur” is that you aren’t going to find photos of any well-known porn stars on this site, no screen captures or anything like that. Even the “professional” looking pics are of chicks that I’ve never seen before; so, for that reason, I would go ahead and call them amateur photos as well.Although El-Ladies features a breadth of categories (which they refer to on the site as “niches”), there definitely seems to be a skew toward the mature. Choose between niches like ass, babe, BDSM, big dick, bizarre, lesbian, kink, hairy, hardcore, or interracial (to name a few), and at least half in each category will feature older women. They also link directly to another amateur photo site dedicated entirely to mature chicks and Ero Profile (an online porn – dating site dominated by older people).That being said, there is a good number of younger girls (18- 25) to be found on the site as well. In fact, what stood out to me first about this site is the level of diversity to it. It’s not every day that you stumble upon a porn site that has plenty of great normal, vanilla porn pics alongside categories like piss, scat, BDSM, and bizarre.It also seems like they are nice enough to not prominently feature these pics on their home page. If I had gone to el-ladies.com and saw a photo of a grannie getting shit on by a gimp or something, I would have immediately exited. So, smart move on their part. It’s definitely not my thing, but if you’re into it, you will probably be pleased with this site (fucking freak).Nice Site Design, but Missing Many FeaturesI am quite fond of the site’s design as well. It’s simple, elegant, and minimalist. There are no extra or unnecessary bells or whistles to it. All you have is all you need: a white background, a simple and effective gray and pink menu bar, and then medium-sized thumbnails of amateur pics splayed out in a gallery format. Just click on one and it expands on the page. No bullshit, just porn.I do think, however, that the media viewer could definitely be improved upon. There is no way to, for example, click through from one picture to the next (you have to exit the window and go back to page to view the next picture). Plus, every photo has a link that looks like a caption above it reading “Mature, MILF, Mom, Grandma, Old and Young,” which brings you to another photo site, mature.nl. Although this isn’t the most annoying way to put advertisements on your site, it looks really unprofessional and it is kind of misleading.Another aspect of El-Ladies that I’m not crazy about is the fact that it is missing a lot of features that I would expect to see from a photo archive site. Firstly, absolutely no information on the photo is provided. That means that there is no way to find the source of the picture and follow up on it. There is also no tagging system in place to make for easy, streamlined browsing of the site, they do not offer up any related images as rival sites are wont to do, and there are no community features whatsoever.Okay, I understand this whole ‘no bullshit, just porn’ thing that El-Ladies is going for, and I respect it, but I don’t see why you couldn’t just add the ability to comment on photos. I don’t think that would obstruct the porn in any way. If anything, I think enabling comments enhances the porn, allowing users to discuss the pics and share anything they may know about it.Especially if you are not going to source your photos, at least give us the ability to crowdsource the info on it. I am flabbergasted when I see a porn site that does not let you comment on (or, at the very least, rate) content in this day and age. It seems like it should just be the industry standard at this point.Another complaint I have with El-Ladies is its size. At only 42 pages of pictures, there is not a whole lot in the way of content to choose from. You could probably click through all of the photos on the entire site in an hour or two and be done with it. I highly recommend the people at El-Ladies step up their content curation game and seriously expand if they expect to continue to compete with the online porn giants who dominate the web.As far as ads go, this site isn’t too bad. You will only find them to be invasive to the right of the photo viewer, nothing in the way of popups or anything that’s going to slow your experience (or computer) down. On the other hand, quite a few of the links in the menu bar are technically ads, but at least they link you to similar or related sites, such as the El-Ladies tube site, a cam site, a mature site, Ero Profile, and another amateur site. So, not great, but it could certainly be worse.All in all, there are some sexy pictures on El-Ladies. I would love to see more from them. I think they are missing a few key features, but I respect that they are hyper focused on what matters most, the porn.