There’s just something about a nice, sexy photo album that other kinds of porn can’t quite capture. Yeah, videos are fucking awesome, but most of those are professionally produced shoots by popular pornstars that you have seen a million times over. You can only bust a nut to Sasha Gray getting DP’ed so many times before you need a taste of something else. You’ll get your amateur content every now and then, but there just isn’t the same girl-next-door kind of vibe that you get from amateur porn galleries. It feels like you’re getting a peek at those slutty nudes that were never meant to be shared. And that’s probably true some of the time, but who cares? It’s not your problem.But let’s be real for a minute here. Gallery sites can be really hit and miss when it comes to the quality and quantity of the content. You usually either get a small gallery of great content or a big catalog of trash. What if I told you I know of a site with the biggest catalog out there, as well as some of the best content on the internet? I’m sure you know where I’m going with this since you clicked on the preview, but I’m talking about one of the longest-running, best porn sites out there: And for this review, I will be doing a deep dive on their albums page.I’m sure you know how successful they are. Billions of views every month, nearly two decades of content, and all the other impressive details. But Pornhub is known more for than its videos, right? We can’t go in with any expectations here. Like, yeah, that Tinder chick was a great fuck while you were both drunk, but how about that second more sober date? You never know how shit might turn out. She could end up being boring and not nearly as hot as you remember the second night around. Tequila could make a 2 into a 10 sometimes I swear. I’m taking the same attitude here. Let’s see if Pornhub does porn galleries as well as they do everything else.You all know the general color scheme by now, I’m sure. That iconic yellow and black design remains the same on the albums page. The design itself is clean and sleek. The regular search bar, network, and page tabs remain up top. No surprises there. The initial page is organized automatically by “Most Recent Female, Straight Photos.”Millions of Kinky Pictures and Gifs Satisfy Even the Pickiest Porn LoverIf you want to broaden your search then you can slither on over to the left side of the screen and use their handy checkbox to sort by “solo female, straight sex, solo male, gay, transgender, miscellaneous, or uncategorized.” Miscellaneous and uncategorized are both pretty similar. You’ll get quite a bit of fetish content if you include those in your search. You can also go to the photos & gifs tab up top to sort the entire page by the top-rated gifs, pics, etc. In addition, there are options to upload your own content or make your own gif right on the site.Right below that box is another section that allows you to filter and search for certain tags. It’s a pretty short list of tags in my opinion, but you have all of the primary shit here like “Ass, Pussy, Sex, Cum, Fetish, Masturbation, and Teen.” I think a full category section for the album page would be nice, especially since there nearly 23 million photos here. That’s right, I’ll wait for you to double-check that you read that right. 23 million photos. Think about that number for a second. That’s more than the population of Tokyo and New York City combined. Imagine that many naked people showing off, getting fucked, and masturbating. Phew… I’ll try not to explore that awesome scenario in my head too much.With that search bar, you can find just about anything, which makes the lack of category page not that big of a deal really. You can type in whatever you think would get your dick hard and I’m sure you will find it in an instant. I mean, fuck. How could you not with that much content? They have everything from full-length scanned hentai doujins on here to professionally shot 100+ photo galleries of sexy pornstars getting gangbanged.Aside from being able to further narrow your findings by the usual options like “top-rated” or “most viewed,” you can toggle whether or not to show only verified users. These are sluts that Pornhub pretty much guarantees are actually real people who are uploading the content. It’s super-hot browsing through all the attention-seeking babes who are uploading these sexy amateur pics on their own knowing that it’s not just some ugly, bitter ex-boyfriend pretending to be a dime piece to get revenge.Easy to Use Galleries and Great Mobile SiteEnough about the search features. Let’s talk about the actual galleries. They fucking rock. The preview for each gallery tells you what it’s called, how many dirty pics are in it, and what user rating out of 100 percent it has. You’ll find galleries with 400+ photos, all the way down to some amateur ones with under 10. Something to note is that some of the galleries, very few actually, are private. You need to be friends with the user to see the actual gallery, but those are pretty obvious since they have locks over the thumbnails.When you click through to the actual gallery, you’ll get some more info like when it was added, what tags it has, and if it’s straight, gay, etc. You can scroll through all of the photos and look at the thumbnails, flip through them all one-by-one at your leisure or click on the slideshow button to have it flip through a photo every 5ish seconds. You can favorite certain pictures, comment on them, share them, rate them, and all that good shit. I do wish you could toggle the speed of the slideshow though. Sometimes 5 seconds feels way too fast or way too slow. Other than that, the galleries are a breeze to navigate through.As I expected from Pornhub, the mobile experience is excellent. It’s the same as any other part of the site. It’s designed well for mobile and all of the regular site features work without a hitch. Yeah, you get redirected occasionally to or something, but that’s the only sort of pop-up you will get, and they won’t ask to push notifications. The galleries load just as quickly as they do on desktop.ThePornDude’s Favorite FeaturesMy favorite feature about is the sheer amount of quality content you can search through here. Seriously, you could look at a thousand pics every single day for years and years and never run out of amazing content. But aside from the content itself, I like the verified user feature a lot. Usually, you never know if the person posting kinky pics is the actual babe in the photo or some skeevy dude. On Pornhub, you can search solely by verified users and jerk off with confidence.ThePornDude’s SuggestionsEven though it’s Pornhub, I do have a few suggestions for improving their already awesome albums page. First off, I’d like to see a slideshow speed toggle for the galleries. I’ve seen that feature on other, much lesser-known sites, and was really surprised that such a big site like this doesn’t have that option. Second, I think the gifs section of the albums page needs some love. I think it would benefit from having threads of some sort instead of having to click on every single gif separately. Have albums of gifs just like the photos page! It gets a bit tedious having to backtrack every time I want to see a different gif. One is not enough.ThePornDude’s Final ThoughtsOverall, of course, this site is awesome. It’s fucking Pornhub. They don’t get billions of page visits every month for nothing. Their albums page is no exception. Tons of quality content, millions upon millions of photos/gifs, user uploads, verified users, great mobile experience, and the list goes on. If you somehow haven’t been to Pornhub, then drop whatever it is you’re doing and go you maniac. Unless you’re actually getting laid. Do that first. Then go crank one out.