Piss Hamster! Not every tube site can satisfy you in the same way. In an ocean full of vanilla tube sites, it can be challenging to find the kind of fucking content that gets you off. And that could not be more accurate when we are talking about unique kinks and fetishes that horny fuckers like you have.In those moments, you need to go niche. And if you are craving hot pissing videos featuring sexy women that know exactly what you want, it’s hard to be a tube site like Piss Hamster. No, it doesn’t feature hot bitches pissing out furry creatures out of their clown holes. Nor does it show them pissing all over hamsters and other cuddly critters.Who the fuck wants to see any of that anyway? Piss Hamster knows what you want: horny bitches pissing from their holes. If that sounds good to you, then do yourself a favor and fucking check out the content available on Piss Hamster. You are going to get off over and over; just be sure you bring some fucking lube!Good sorting optionsOne of the first things that I noticed whenever I was trying to find a hot pissing video to watch was how simple Piss Hamster makes browsing its videos be. This is partly thanks to how easy it is to sort the videos on the tube site. Users can select from a drop-down menu at the top right of the page to select a sorting option that will allow them to browse Piss Hamster how they like.Users can sort videos via newest, best, most viewed, and longest. No matter what kind of videos you are trying to watch, these few sorting options will ensure that you get to watch your preferred videos first. And if you are like me, you probably hate watching teaser content, or you want to watch the freshest videos on the tube site. Piss Hamster’s sorting options make all of this happen with relative ease.Another way to view only the type of content you want to watch is via the gigantic walls of tags. Take it from my ass, a guy that knows a thing or two about porn (I am the mind behind ThePornDude, after all). You will absolutely find the types of content that will get your dick hard and make you want to cum your goddamn brains out.To get to this section, you have to select the ‘tags’ section at the top of the page. There, you can browse from one page to the next, looking at every tag available on Piss Hamster. At the top of the page, you will find a section called ‘top trends’ that shows all of the most popular tags - of the moment - that you can browse on the site. The section below showcases a ‘question mark’ icon and also shows some of the more popular tags users can browse.From one page to the next, you can see the available tags to select in alphabetical order. There is a fuck load of tags that you can choose from across three pages. It’s an insane amount, and the easier way to browse everything is by using the ‘find’ tool on your device to find the kind of video you want to watch. For example, if you want to watch ‘MILF piss’ or the equivalent, typing that phrase into the browser’s ‘find’ tool will allow you to see if the tag is represented on Piss Hamster or not. Of course, you have to be on the right page alphabetically for it to work.But that shows you just how many tags are available to look through on the tube site. It is massive. You will certainly find something that will be pleasing to you on this site. Especially if, you know, you love watching girls get pissed on.Loads of amateur pissing videosThere is a wide fucking variety of pissing videos to choose from on Piss Hamster. From the hottest porn stars getting a little yellow drizzle on their faces (more on that in a moment) to extremely specific niches of piss porn, there is an insane amount of piss videos ready for you to be viewed. But with that being said, if you want amateur piss videos and nothing more, good God, you have a ridiculous number of amateur videos to choose from!As appealing as their full-length piss videos may be, their collection of amateur piss videos remains one of the very best reasons to visit Piss Hamster. And that is even if you don’t necessarily enjoy amateur videos!But if amateur content is your thing, you best buckle up, mother fucker! There are so many amateur pissing videos for you to choose from on Piss Hamster – you are going to be in heaven watching this kind of shit. In fact, there are over 40 pages of amateur porn to choose from. That is an enormous amount, and it looks like there is new content added to this section regularly.The sheer variety of amateur content that is available is staggering, too. Remember earlier when I mentioned that users could browse the tags list and find all kinds of unique niche piss videos? Well, these tags lists are also ideal if users want to access all types of unique amateur tags that they can browse by as well. So if you wish to find amateur videos of all kinds, browsing the tags section and looking at all of the amateur tag variants is the absolute best way to fucking pull this off.Browse by tons of porn starsBut what if you don’t exactly give a shit about watching amateurs piss in their clothes? Or crab walk over a toilet seat while they squirt piss out of their pussies? What if you prefer to watch the professionals do it instead? If that’s the case, just know that Piss Hamster makes it extremely simple to find videos of porn stars fucking pissing themselves.All you have to do is go to the top of the homepage, then select ‘pornstars,’ naturally. This will show you all of the porn stars featured in pissing videos on the tube site. And, damn, there are some pretty big names here, too—porn stars like Riley Reid, Abella Danger, and so many others. Once you find a porn star whose videos you want to watch, just click that porn star, and you will be presented with all of the videos they are featured in on Piss Hamster.Various categories to choose fromIf that was not enough, there are also a fuck load of categories to choose from on Piss Hamster. Whenever I was browsing the categories and trying to find the hottest piss videos that made me want to piss in my own pants, I noticed that so many of the categories were unique and niche as fuck. Still, I was pleased with what I found, and if you are any kind of piss fan, I think that you will be as well.There are plenty of categories to choose from, such as humiliation piss porn. That in and of itself is probably ripe with some piss porn that will make you cum in your pants. But users will also find piss porn categories such as drinking piss, Asians getting pissed on, piss in jeans, watersports, and so much more. It’s a fantastic selection of categories across the over 410 pages of pissing videos, each of which will make you squirm with fucking excitement.It nearly goes without saying that if you want to watch a cavalcade of piss pornography all in one place, Piss Hamster is precisely where you need to be. The informative listings showing whether a video is in HD, the view count, ratings, duration, and a stunning thumbnail of piss are what make you want to explore Piss Hamster for as long as humanly possible. Go ahead and masturbate all you want until you cannot take it anymore.I understand the struggle. So pace yourself bitch! Visit Piss Hamster, look at the always-expanding library of piss pornography, and appreciate how it gives you that great fix on the piss porn you’ve been craving!SuggestionsPiss Hamster is a piss-filled tube site that has all of your favorite piss porn videos all in one place. It is an extremely well-designed site with so much piss pornography that you won’t know where to start. They need to continue operating exactly as they are and continue to add new porn videos to their library for continued growth.