Hentai Hand! What is it with weaboos and their obsession with anime? Is it the big eyes or the brightly colored hair, or does it have more to do with the fact that most of these girls have enormous titties? Or maybe you’re one of those perverts who really appreciates the loli stuff that just wouldn’t fly in a flesh-and-blood porno. Actually, there’s a lot of wild shit in hentai that you couldn’t see on Brazzers; incestuous elf sluts, weird-ass monster groping and shotacon rape are all part of the typical perversion at HentaiHand.HentaiHand.com is a fairly new hentai site that has really been taking off over the last few months. They’re currently pulling a little over a million hits per month, with a steady curve going way the fuck up. Considering how much filthy free doujinshi is on this motherfucker, it’s no wonder all the otaku neckbeards are flocking to the joint.Dirty Manga and Doujinshi, No BullshitThere is no superfluous bullshit on the landing page to HentaiHand. Hell, the name ain’t even in the fucking logo, it’s just a stylized HH. There’s a search bar and a drop-down menu, and the rest of the page is entirely bricked up in hentai covers. I’ve got an adblocker running, so if there are any Chinese penis pill or fake Gucci ads, I don’t see them.I do see a bunch of fucking kinky manga sluts, though. The default view shows you the newest stuff first, or you can check out what’s hot right now. Without touching anything, I see a bunch of big titty manga MILFs, some athletic babes with smooth, shiny curves, a voluptuous waifu giving the reader a seductive look, and a surprising amount of lolicon.HentaiHand is an international site, so beside each hentai title is a little flag that tells you what language the comic is in. It looks like most of the new stuff is in Japanese, but I also see stuff on the front page in Chinese and English. English is represented by a Union Jack, not the Stars & Stripes, which I think is fucking bullshit. We’ve got a president who is openly a huge fan of incest and who has golden showers movies floating out there, which is exactly the kind of president you’d find in a filthy doujinshi.I wish there were some tags on the front page so we’d have a better idea what’s in each comic. As it is, you mostly have to go off of the picture, especially since there’s a good chance the title will be written in a language you don’t understand at all. Then again, I’m always wondering how many of you manga nerds are actually reading the words when you’re stroking off to a homemade comic about a slutty warrior princess who gets fucked by her dad all the time.Better Than Public Indecency at the Comic ShopThe most recent English hentai uploaded to HentaiHand is called Yamu Nichijou Sekatsu (THE [email protected] CINDERALLA GIRLS). I’m not sure if the @ symbol in the title is a stylistic thing or what, but the comic was also uploaded in Japanese if you’d rather flog your bishop to the original. I know how some of you anime fags feel about authenticity.There aren’t any page counts displayed on the front page, so I had no idea how short this one is until I actually clicked on it. It’s only five pages, presented in a thumbnail view for quick access. The thumbs open up their comic viewer, which is nothing special. Some hentai sites put a lot of work into the viewer, but here each page is displayed very simple with no special features or anything. Click forward or back, that’s it.Goddamn. Hentai is some deeply nerdy smut. You know that, right? I bet you do. I bet you’re exactly the kind of person who reads these things and understands all the in-jokes and weird little flourishes that you only find in Japanese or wannabe-Japanese sex art. I review these sites all the time, and I’m still always shocked, surprised, and fucking confused.The comic opens with a 19-year-old girl with pink hair and huge titties looking a little bit distressed. The caption says she’s adorable but tiresome. In the next frame, the artist has switched to that cutesy style that most people would associate with cartoons for tiny, baby-ass little babies. I hate that, but I’m guessing you don’t.Pink Hair has some kind of unspecified accident, and the next thing you know she’s sobbing hysterically and apologizing to some old dude. They look at some broad getting fucked in a “prank video”, and the sad girl with pink hair begs the old dude to bang her.Fortunately, the art style changes back to the semi-realistic manga stuff when the teen and old fucker get in on. Unfortunately, the artist has chosen to self-censor the goddamn thing. The old man’s cock is just an outline of a forearm-sized monster. The last page shows her riding it so hard her boobies flop all over the place and she squirts a ton of girlcum from her twat.WTF Is with This Censorship?I understand censorship in officially released hentai from Japan, since it’s literally the law that they can’t show any cooters or dingdongs. For the life of me, I don’t understand why anybody would put it in doujinshi. (In case you were wondering the difference, doujinshi is essentially the amateur porn version of hentai. Some fat neckbeard drew it in his mom’s basement and uploaded it to HentaiHand or another site like it.)Whoever did [email protected] decided they weren’t going to show any wieners, but this teen girl’s shaved cunt is fully visible as she squirts a geyser of juice. It’s fucking ridiculous, because the dude’s penis outline is censored in the exact same image. I saw plenty of weird, almost random examples of this kind of self-censorship.I took a look at an extremely violent, 31-page threesome rape drawn in a fairly childish, unrealistic style. It’s pretty fucking wild, with the broad getting her eyeball stabbed, her tits pierced with nails, and a huge drill literally destroying her pussy. Every single page is tinged with a mess of crimson blood, but all the genitals are obscured with that stupid pixel mosaic you see in JAV (Japanese Adult Video) flicks.The mosaic censorship is a little odd, because usually manga is censored with little black bars that still let you see some of the action. There’s plenty of the bar-type censorship here as well, but what’s really fucking mind-blowing is the overall amounts of censorship on the entire site.I had a really difficult time trying to find any unobscured cocks and cunts on HentaiHand. Parodies are usually ripe for uncensored action since they are made at home with no approval from anybody, but that just ain’t the case here site. Even the Dragon Ball Z and Neon Genesis Evangelion parodies I looked at were censored. What the fuck?Incestuous Catgirls, Lolicon and Anal RapeThe drop-down menu up in the header will let you browse by Artists, Characters, Parodies Relationships or Groups. There’s also a Tags page, but compared to most hentai sites it’s pretty lacking. I don’t know if it’s because the site is new, but the full list is only a couple dozen porn subgenres at this point.It’s a weird mixed bag of tags, too. You’ve got some of the porn classics, but not all of them. Blowjobs, Big Breasts and Anal are here, but not Lesbian, Pussy Licking or Teen. I can assure you that all the typical depravity is available here, they just don’t have tags for it all.Of course, it’s a hentai site, so a lot of the Tags they do have are things you won’t find on a typical smut site. They’ve got literally thousands of Catgirl comics, an enormous amount of Rape and an absolutely insane amount of Lolicon and Shotacon.HentaiHand has a ton of censorship, which is going to be an issue on any hentai site you’re trying to shake your dick at. On the bright side, their collection is pretty fucking big for such a new site, and they are adding new hentai all the time. I didn’t have any issues with spam while I was cranking it to their filthy porno comics, so this seems like a nice, safe bet if you’re looking for obscene doujinshi.