LoL Hentai? Do people still play League of Legends and fantasize about Ahri? Don’t you all have better things to do? That game came out in 2009...that’s a lot of time to have spent down in your mom’s basement. But if you’re going to be down there anyway, at least you won’t find a better place to protect you from the shame of browsing Lol porn aka League of Legends hentai porn is an example of what happens when you give people who hang out on the Internet way too much free time on their hands, combining everything about hentai porn with the League of Legends game. All your favorite characters are here in full Rule-34 glory.Great artwork of all your favsSo your schtick is into animated computer game smut. I’m not gonna judge...much. Thankfully (for you), you won’t be the only one on The website offers a community forum, with discussions ranging from general website talk, an artists' lounge, roleplay (insert funny comment here), and talk about hentai and skins. It’s an active community with plenty of active users. So many weirdos in one place! Maybe you’ll find your new best friend here – or the love of your life! Imagine telling your parents you both met on a League of Legends hentai forum - the joke practically writes itself, doesn’t it?The galleries on Lolhentai are a collection of user-submitted content and the best League of Legends-related content you pervs might have seen elsewhere. The majority of the galleries are sorted by characters. All the major League of Legend characters you’d expect to find here are represented – Ahri, Ashe, Narny, Caitlyn and more, with a number to indicate just how many pictures are in each gallery and some featuring an ‘updated’ graphic floating above to let you know there’s new content. There's a gallery of recent uploads to capture your fancy and above that, the navigation bar. There’s a section on the side for news and latest user-submitted comments.So let’s talk about the art. Videos and images are sorted in a multitude of different options: group, gifs, futanari, male, gender-bender, cosplay and comics in English, Chinese or Korean. How wild is that? Since the artwork is mostly culled from the collection of fans, there’s no baseline in quality. You’re getting a mix of jaw-dropping art featuring the best LoL girls and stuff that looks like it could have been left on DeviantArt. But for the most part, your favorite characters are here in drool-worthy glory, in a bucket list of scenarios. Big tits, skinny waists, bubble butts, and gorgeous smiles – what more can you want?We gotta talk about these bonus albums because some of this shit is absolutely wild. The male-only content is about 500 images of furries. Furries! Cool that that's out there for some of you... There's a good chunk of images featuring the two male burly leads from the game doing things I really didn’t need to see, but I’m sure will make the females reading this very happy.It gets even wilder. We’re talking group photos aka the best girl-on-girl-on-girl action you could ask for; futanari, which is just super weird to even think about considering these are video game characters (who are now sporting dicks); Gender bender, which to me, looks super confusing; and Cosplay, which is AMAZING. These girls love dressing to the nines as the character of their choice, indulging in some wild activities for the camera. This is the shit I’m into – can the site just entirely be cosplay?Realizing this, I was really excited to check out the Videos tab. Amateur porn in costumes? I can get behind that. So I was a little disappointed to see the video content in that department to be a little underwhelming. What you’ll see in the section mostly consists of 3D-generated videos and CG sets, fully animated. To its credit, the videos are pretty good! I’d just love to see more full-length videos know...less of that computer generated and more of that real stuff, you know what I mean?The comics archive is well archived. Offering doujin comics in three different languages, there’s plenty of well-titilated babe action for your reading pleasure. Just click a comic and read – there’s nothing more to it! The comics are sorted by keywords too, making it easy to find some of your favourites after you’ve spent some time in the archives. The English archive isn’t as robust as the Chinese or Korean sections, but does language really matter when we’re talking about hot women getting fucked? You think about it and get back to me.Clean Layouts that won’t make your eyes bleedEven with ads, the layout is fucking immaculate – and it’s even better in mobile! The ads are kept to a minimum, keeping the experience a clean, friendly one. The mobile version takes everything great about the site and puts it right on the front page. Using an adblocker leaves you with this message from the team: “You’re not supporting us? I understand, we hate them too sometimes. But you have to remember that this is the only way to keep us running. If you would consider whitelisting us then we would be very grateful!”I’m not gonna lie: it got to me. Support your hentai websites. They know what’s up. The one great thing they have going for them is amazing web development. Browsing in night mode is a godsend. All you porn web developers trying to get into the hustle, I have some advice for you: employ minimal, dark designs. Keep it simple, loser. Geeks will be thanking you after a 4 AM wank, especially if they’re also coming off an all night gaming session.With that said, the site design not entirely perfect. There's an offer at the bottom right of the page inviting users to join Hentai Pros for only a dollar. It’s not entirely distracting but with a layout that’s so clean and simple, it sticks out like an eyesore. My two cents: could we maybe talk about putting it somewhere else? Like at the top? Or maybe next to a picture enticing you to sign up? I imagine plenty of people could get into that.I’m still bummed about the video content too. We need more cosplay! Full-length videos! It’s a start but I’m hoping that with the user-submitted aspect of the site, we start seeing some prodigious users take up the mantle and film what we need to see. On second thought, maybe watching overweight people in bad costumes isn’t what we need to see after all...Nothing on is making a strong case for me signing up and playing League of Legends. If I’m being honest, that’s probably a good thing – I spend far too much time having an actual real life as it is, unlike you losers. But what we have on ain’t all bad. So if your interests include hentai, video games and League of Legends, then you’ll enjoy the shit out of the website. It helps to know your niche as they say and this place is home to some of the biggest League of Legends related hentai content available on the Internet. It’s hot characters made even hotter. You can’t argue with that.But then again, you have to think about the life decisions made to have you end up on in the first place…