Looking for some Chinese homemade porn at 91 Porn? The best smutty porn videos are the ones made by all of you horny fucks out there. Professional porn is alright, I guess. But it’s way overdone. What’s the fun in watching porn when you know that whatever slut getting railed probably isn’t even enjoying it? And those fake ass moans don’t help at either. Nothing will ruin a good jerk off session like some pornstar really overdoing it to the point of absurdity.That’s why real, homemade porn videos are where it’s at. When amateur people upload videos of themselves fucking you at least know they are loving that shit. But venues for actually real amateur porn are few and far between. Just look at any “amateur” section on a regular porn site. It’s full of fake ass “amateur” chicks. Luckily, you all have me on the hunt. And I have found a kinky site solely dedicated to providing a platform for sexy home sex tapes.91porn.com is just that site. Thankfully, the site isn’t full of porn of 91-year-old grannies, though I know some of you freaks out there would love that. This site is for amateur fuck videos. That’s it. And they bring in a huge audience of around 31 million site views every single month. I’d tell you when this amazing site got up and running, but there’s some funky stuff going on with their domain, so I haven’t got a clue. From the look of the site, I’d say it’s been quite a while.Extremely Obnoxious Ad Clutter Makes Browsing Nearly UnbearableWhen you first head over to 91 Porn you’ll have to confirm you’re 18. Once you’re through with that you’ll be directed to the home page. Jesus fucking Christ. I’m not sure if I have ever seen so many ads right upfront. Every single one of them is flashing bright colors and gifs at you. It makes it hard to focus on anything else. The site has a nice dark theme going on, but the obnoxious flashing lights kind of take away from the entire fucking purpose of the dark theme. And that was with my AdBlocker on! Turn it off and you get even more of them scattered through the entire site. I would think that having 31 million site views would mean that there would be less ads.If you can manage to pull your gaze away from the ads, then you’ll find a small header up top with options for “Home, Upload, Watch, Forum, WebCam, Local Sex, Movie, and VIP.” The only ones you need to use are “Home, Upload, Watch, and VIP.” All of the other ones are basically ads in disguise. They take you off-site to other ad-cluttered sites for the content.The upload tab is the lifeblood of the site. You’re supposed to only upload content here that you shot yourself, and it seems like the vast majority of content creators abide by that rule. The content here is consistently amateur and very real. It’s also to be noted that they have a strict rule against no minors here. You even get rewarded with site currency for reporting content that proves to have violated that rule.Pay for a VIP Membership for HD Viewing, More Daily Videos, and DownloadsAnd, speaking of currency, there is a VIP membership subscription here. Guests can browse and watch up to 10 videos per day for free, but if you want to watch more, or watch those videos in HD, then you’ll have to pay for one of their yearly plans. And they are actually very reasonable. 45 bucks a year lets you watch 60 videos a day. Even the most porn-addicted fucks out there would have trouble reaching 60 videos a day. And that’s only the first membership option. They have one for 95 bucks a year that lets you watch 400 fucking videos daily. Plus, there are no ads and you can download videos as a VIP.The home page just sorts of lists videos off by newest I think. It doesn’t really say. Regardless, I wouldn't even bother with that page. Click on “watch” to get taken to a page full of videos with sorting options. It’s a pretty standard array of filters. Shit like most popular, hot, featured, top this month, and HD. If you know the title of the video you’re looking for, then you can use the search bar. Though sorting by titles can be difficult due to the nature of the site. I’d recommend trying to remember users who upload content you like instead.Very Small Video Previews and Video PlayerThe video previews pack in a shit ton of important information. You get the video runtime, date added, who uploaded it, views, how many favorites it has, comments, and a rating. All of that is fucking great, but it comes at a price. I need a fucking microscope to see what the hell is going on in these preview images. They are the smallest I’ve seen. It’s great that they can pack a lot onto one page, but I would much rather larger images instead. Switching to “detailed view” is a little better. You get more preview images from the video. That doesn’t make them any bigger though. It’s just a row of small images in the pace of one.But let’s talk about the video quality. It’s okay. Definitely not the best I’ve seen out there. And the video player is pretty small unless you full screen it. The fact that it’s surrounded on every side by ads doesn’t help much either. You might get a pre-roll ad as well, but at least there aren’t any redirect ads here. The videos do play quickly. I didn’t experience any sort of buffering. And I am a bit dubious of the HD video claim for VIP members. I can’t be certain, of course, but I don’t see how all of these homemade videos could have HD viewing options, to begin with. On the video page, you can favorite it, leave comments, rate it, but you’ll have to pay for the VIP membership if you plan to download.Don’t Bother Using the Mobile SiteDon’t use the mobile site. Just don’t. It’s 100 percent the same as the desktop version. No mobile formatting or anything like that. It’s functional, but you’re not going to be able to avoid clicking on the hundreds of ads on the page. You’ll have to painstaking zoom in every single time you want to read a video title or check out a preview. It’s just not worth it. I’d like to see them do some redesigning for it in the future. After all, they already bring in a massive audience every month. I’m sure that number would skyrocket even further if they had a relatively passable mobile site to use.ThePornDude’s Favorite FeaturesMy favorite feature of 91porn.com is the way they curate their content. Users can upload any sexy videos of themselves that they want to. The only rule is that the videos have to be ones you filmed. This makes for a site full of incredibly hot videos that you simply aren’t going to see on any other site. It may be a bit more difficult to categorize all of these videos, but getting to watch the raw footage of a sexy couple going at it is like nothing else out there. It’s fucking awesome.ThePornDude’s SuggestionsThis site could make quite a few big improvements. Less ads for one thing. A stronger organizational system would be great. Maybe incorporate video tags so that I can search by content instead of just things like popularity. It’s nearly impossible to search up fetish content here. Also, work on the video previews and video player. It’s all way too small right now. And develop a mobile site. A good portion of that large audience would probably like to take these hot videos on the go, but it’s not even worth trying with the current mobile site.ThePornDude’s Final ThoughtsOverall, 91porn.com (often misspelled as "91pron") is a great site to visit if you love watching or uploading your own homemade sex videos. They have a massive catalog with lots of kinky content. If you can get past the ad clutter and poor design choices, then there is definitely fun to be had here. Head over and jerk off to some amateur videos now!