“Yes Leaks!” I exclaimed this morning as my morning handful of boner pills started to take hold. I’d blown my monthly porn budget gambling on the surging price of personal lubricant, so I was short on funds, but I was still in the mood for some high-end smut. Wouldn’t you know it? As soon as I checked my inbox, I had this link just sitting there waiting for me. I think that’s called luck, because now I’m swimming in smut and I didn’t even have to apply for another credit card.YesLeaks.com makes it clear right in the name what they’re fucking with, though it doesn’t quite tell you the format. I thought it might be another leak tube, but nah, this is a message board for requesting and sharing leaks. It’s a relatively new forum, but they’ve gained a lot of traffic over the last few months. That tells me they’ve probably got some good shit to offer, but there’s only one way to find out, and it involves this lubed-up silicone butthole. Now, if only the Starbucks baristas would stop giving me the stink eye, I can really get this fap test started.A Classic Format for New SmutAh, the lowly forum. I feel like the format doesn’t get nearly as much love as it used to, though, in the grand scheme of things, its longevity is impressive. Message boards have been around since the very earliest days of the Internet, and some of you elderly fuckers out there no doubt remember dialing into their local BBS to share nudie shots and waiting 14 hours to download a twelve-second clip of grainy DIY porno.Of course, the format has grown at least a little bit as the Internet has matured. YesLeaks has modern amenities like a clean, colorful layout and swanky logo, and hopefully much better download speeds than they had back in the day. I’m not saying it looks flashy or anything, because message boards never really need to overdo the production, but it looks good.If you’ve checked out any Internet forums at all in the last thirty years, the general setup of YesLeaks.com is going to look very familiar to you. It’s broken down into a few broad categories of subforums, and they give the Request Leaks and Porn Video Requests boards the top slot on the page, which seems like a fan-oriented way to organize the material. I’m liking this already.Scroll down that front page just a little bit and you’ll see another one of their big draws. They’ve got message boards for sharing leaks from all the big social media sites, including OnlyFans, Patreon, Instagram, Snapchat and Youtubers. In case you’re curious, yes, the OnlyFans board does have a lot more traffic than the other ones.Moving right along, Yes Leaks then lists their boards dedicated to Other Models Leaks. These don’t have a ton of posts yet, but there are sections devoted to Big Titty Asian Hotties, Big Tits But Clothed and Celebrity Nudes and Porn. The Popular Cam Sites Leaks hasn’t gotten much traffic yet, but the Other Site/App Leaked Nudes subforum does have a couple of dozen posts so far.They’ve also got a few boards for sharing Mainstream Porn. Again, these aren’t as popular as the Social Media forums, but I do like how they’ve broken them down. A couple are just for sharing your favorites, while the busiest is called Name That Girl. If you’ve been fapping to some random video but can’t figure out who the babe is, maybe you can find some help from this community of perverts.A Community of Porn-Sharing PervertsFinally, Yes Leaks has a pretty standard selection of Community message boards. These include 22 subforums full of Site Rules and News, a FAQ, Leaks Talk and a Nudes Posting Section. The Nudes area was a little of a surprise to me, especially how they’ve got it tucked away in the community area. There are 16 subforums for the naked ladies, include sections for Anime and Hentai, Girlfriends and Wives, and Local Girls.The thing about any forum is that it’s only good as its members. If the place is a ghost town, nobody’s going to be posting anything and there’s not going to be anything to beat off to. Thankfully, YesLeaks.com has seen some decent growth over the last few months. It isn’t the biggest, most popular joint on the web just yet, but they’ve got a healthy enough userbase to keep the material flowing. They’re growing all the time, too.As of this writing, there are around 50,000 Yes Leaks members. That’s a nice, healthy mass, especially when you consider how new most of them are. This isn’t a stale-ass forum where they have tens of thousands of members who last logged in a fucking year ago. By and large, these are active members.How active? Well, the numbers spell that out pretty explicitly, too. There are currently around 800 threads consisting of nearly 4,000 messages. There are new posts every day in the busier subforums, which is probably just where you want to be.Oh, but before we go any further, I guess I should tell you: registration is pretty much required. You can technically browse most of the site without signing up, but you’re not going to be able to see any of the download links, nor will you get the full-size version of all those leaked thumbnails. I know it’s sometimes a pain in the ass to sign up for these things, and I certainly hate giving out an email address, but this is how they help encourage that thriving community I mentioned. You do have to wait to be approved by an administrator, which is another pain in the ass with a valid reason, in this case, cutting out the spam and keeping the place clean.Checking Out These Leaks and Download LinksOnce I got my account approved, I was ready to really dig into the good stuff. The OnlyFans leaks message board on YesLeaks seems to be where most of the action is, so that’s where I headed first. One of the things I really liked was how they have the forum page laid out more like a blog or magazine site than a forum, which gives the whole thing is nice, professional feel.I checked out a post with OnlyFans leaks of this chick Jamie Marie Yoga. There’s a little write-up of the babe before giving us a ton of sexy nude and semi-nude yoga pictures. If you’re looking to save a bunch of stuff for later, one of the biggest gimmicks of Yes Leaks is all the download links available.There are a couple of downsides to the downloads, but none of them are dealbreakers. For one thing, you need to have a YesLeaks.com account to even see the links. The other issue isn’t even really YesLeaks’s fault, but more related to the file lockers where you’ll find those downloads. Those services come with their own set of problems, including spam and throttled download speeds for free users. Still, it’s hard to complain for the low price of nothing at all.Some of the files are absolutely fucking massive, too. I found a 44-gig collection of Mia Malkova material, which is enough to keep you going for a nice, long while. Within minutes of getting officially logged into the site, I was finding a ton of content from some of my all-time favorite fap fantasies. I love how the e-girl thing has grown so popular that a lot of traditional pornstars have delved into the realm of this new amateur style. Beautiful.Really, the whole site could be called beautiful. YesLeaks.com is still a relatively small site, but the way they’ve been growing lately tells me there are a lot of good things to come. They’re definitely off to a great start, with an incredible range of leaked content collected in one convenient location. The only real downside is that you’ve got to sign up for an account and wait to get it approved, but it’s a short wait and it’s worth it. You don’t need to be logged in to just browse the shelves, so take a look first if you ain’t sure about handing over an email address.