Like fucked up porn? Well, here's Inhumanity dot com. With a name like that, you know this isn’t going to be your run of the mill, vanilla porn site. It won’t be anything like finding your old man’s spank mags under the bed. This is going to be some truly hardcore, brutal shit, guaranteed. Two seconds after I learned the name of the site, I found out they were a sister site of eFukt. Inhumanity’s slogan is Come For the Tits, Stay for the Train Wreck, so I know this is going to be a fun review.Inhumanity is a free porn site that has normal-sounding categories like Big Dicks, MILF, and Lesbians. They also have kinkier stuff like Midgets, Cuck, and Incest. If that’s simply not inhumane enough, try Animals, Poo Poo, or Freaks. You can also find completely balls-out crazy categories like Wiggers, Terrorism, and Pizza. Yeah, it’s that kind of site.Just WTF Do We Have Here?The layout of Inhumanity is simple and straight to the point. Under the site’s name in the header are a few outgoing links to other websites. The rest of the page is just content links, the real meat of the site. Most go to videos, but a few go to photos or galleries. Instead of the grid view you find on other sites, there’s only one link per line here. You get a screengrab and some basic info, including title, a short description, dated added, views, and category.You honestly can’t tell what you’re going to get from most of the videos or pics until you actually click through and look. Most of the stills look like typical porno featuring sexy ladies and sex acts. The titles are vague: Just Do It; Keeping It In The Family; NOPE, Never Doing That Again. The descriptions sometimes help, but usually not. A useless write-up for a video called Actual Wife Material Right Here reads, “LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.”Well, if it’s that fucking funny that the dude is going to laugh out loud out loud, I had to check it out. Clicking links brings you to whatever site hosts the video, pic, or gallery. Actual Wife Material Right Here popped up in a new tab on ORSM, though its title there is I Want A Dog Like This. I clicked the play button and the tab went from ORSM to MyFreeCams, and then I Want A Dog Like This popped up in a fresh tab.That’s some ugly spam, but it originated on ORSM, not Inhumanity. I’ll have to be careful where I click. Anyway, the video is a hot blonde chick in her underwear, fetching a thrown slipper like a dog. Cute, but I didn’t laugh out loud out loud or anything.There’s Tons of This StuffInhumanity updates with one post daily, and the main page shows about a month’s worth of them. You can click through the five previous pages at the bottom. There’s no simple way to jump to the end of the list, so I kept typing numbers into the URL until I found the last page. The updates go back 42 pages, all the way back to February 1, 2008. The very first post was a candid paparazzi photo of Britney Spears wearing fishnets and panties while bleeding from her pussy.You see the theme yet? Inhumanity is all about the sexy, the funny, and the gross. When you’re browsing the site, you’ll see a lot of tits, but you’ll also be groaning and wondering WTF a lot of the time. Let’s look at some more content.The newest video, uploaded the day I’m writing this, has what looks like an upskirt shot as its screengrab. It’s called That’s Legal In Russia III, and the description just reads “Y I K E S !” I guess I’ll have to click it to see what it is.This one opens on XRares, a site that gives me another goddamn pop-up when I click the Play button. It turns out the chick wearing the skirt is passed out, probably fucking wasted, but the cameraman is fingering her anyway. Yeah, good thing she’s Russian. If it would have been an American broad, we’d have a #metoo freakout on our hands.A video entitled REAL: Housewife Sucks Dick For Discount appears to be a legit amateur video of a lady stripping down and fucking a repairman. Most “amateur” stuff is fake as hell, so it’s fun finding shit like this. It looks like she just set the camera on a table or something before the lucky fucker got there.A link further down Inhumanity’s main page led me to a gallery on DonkParty. This link actually wasn’t anything weird or particularly special, just a gallery of beautiful young ladies in various states of undress, plus a few porn gifs. I saved a few to my rainy day masturbation folder.After two links to things I’d expect to find on typical sex sites, Inhumanity served up another surprise. This time it was a college chick with really nice boobs pissing herself in a dorm while her roommates laugh at her. It sounds like a fetish movie, but looks like it came from some random chick’s Instagram. Man, I bet that girl is pissed her little accident is now all over the Internet.The site wanted to prove it has even more to offer. I saw sexy, and I saw weird but sexy, but what else does Inhumanity have? The next thing I clicked on was just weird. It was a video compilation, hosted on CrazyShit, of some crazy shit. A dude broke his ankle, two girls fell through a table, some junkies passed out, and a few cars got crashed. Inhumane!With just one post a day, it’s clear that somebody is curating the posts by hand. It’s not a ton of content, but since it’s lovingly hand-picked by some kind of deviate, you’re not going to get a bunch of bullshit filler material. If it makes the cut, it’s probably worth a few seconds of your time.All Kinds of Fucked-Up ShitI wanted to find the whole list of categories, so I could give you a better idea what to expect from Inhumanity. The trouble is, their design is so sparse that they forgot to include a fucking link to the categories page! Who the fuck is in charge over there?I ended up using Google to find the damn thing, which is a shame. Visitors to the site will definitely want to see the full list, plus it’s just convenient to be able to click a genre and get the content you want. You’ve got access to Queefy, Beefy, Contractions, and Cringe material with just one click of a link. It’s idiotic that they hid those links on a Categories page you can’t find.Wild surprises await as you click through the different genres. In the Ouch category, I saw a lady take a dildo too deep, putting it literally up in them guts. A guy in a wheelchair getting a blowjob is filed in the Bizarre section. LMAO had a donkey pop a raging boner while watching a lady sunbathe. Under WTF, I found a video of a dude slicing his dick.I don’t recommend looking at the Prolapse category. Then again, I’ve never enjoyed seeing assholes so blown out that the ass literally comes out the hole. Maybe that’s what gets you going, in which case you’re going to love this site.Categories aren’t always what you think. Facials, for example, brought up a vid of a sleeping chick getting jizzed on and a pornstar who nearly throws up after a taste. The Porn section had triple penetration and a 73-pound pornstar. Asians had a slut taking a paintball shot to the pussy.Inhumanity is worth a visit from time to time if you have a fucked-up sense of humor. Since you’re reading The Porn Dude, I’m going to guess you do. The links open in new tabs that sometimes give you spam as a bonus, so just be ready to close a bunch of tabs and you’re good. You might stumble on some porn that gets you squeezing the juice, but the content is mostly too weird if masturbation is your main goal.