There are a million reasons to hate Donald Trump. He’s a racist, a bigot, and idiot, a piece of shit liar, and a treasonous pig (just to name a few). But for a pornoholic like myself, maybe the number one reason to hate him is the fact that he’s trying to kick Mexicans out of the US. And, sure, there are plenty of human rights, ethical, and political issues to take up with his bullshit border wall, deportation, and putting kids in cages policies. But what I’m most worried about is the fact that we will see a decrease in hot Latina porn because of him!Think about it. America is the land of opportunity! The country where you can cross the border a poor migrant and, within a matter of days, become a shining porn star, getting paid to fuck and cum all day long on camera. That’s the real American dream. And this closeted fag with a micropenis actually wants to put an end to that? What the fuck is he thinking? I mean, he’s a businessman who fucked a porn star, you’d think he would at least have a little bit of respect for the industry and the consequences his racist actions will have on it!The fewer Latinas and Mexican women that are allowed to cross the border, the fewer Latina and Mexicana porn stars we will have. And that is a true travesty if I’ve ever heard of one. Because, and this is no secret, Mexican women are fucking sexy. Latinas are, in fact, probably the sexiest women on the planet. Oh, do you need some proof? Okay, well, just close your eyes and picture a sexy caramel-skinned goddess with long, dark hair and beautiful brown eyes dancing in a short cut, tight red dress. Do you see her incredible curves? Her fat ass? You can almost hear her accent as she whispers in your ear, “ay, Papi, bend me over and fuck me hard.”Is that enough evidence? Hell, I almost wrote myself into a boner there for a second. Oy, I need to cool down. I still have a job to do. I’ll save it for after the review when I call my Latina chick over for a quickie, a little afternoon delight. Or, as she would call it, a sueño de dia, a daydream. There’s even something extraordinarily sexy about the language! How could anyone want to rob me of that? People are so fucking selfish…But Trump hasn’t built his border wall. Yet. So, at least for the time being, we still have plenty of high-quality Mexicana porn to enjoy. So, get it while you still can is what I say. There are so many sites to choose from, though, how the fuck are you expected to know which Mexican porn site is the right one for you? Well, that’s what I am here for. To help you separate the best from the rest, to save you from wasted time, money, and effort. Today, let’s take a look at a site that focuses on Mexican mamacitas, Sex Mex.Sex Mex XXX SuccessRight off the bat, you can see that this site has a bit of a sense of humor. Which is always good in a porn site. So long as it doesn’t come at the price of quality porn anyway. Sex Mex. It’s a fun and quirky name that gets straight to the point. There’s no question about what you’re going to see when you go to a website called Sex Mex. Clearly, Mexican women having sex. Or sexy Mexican women. Either way, it’s exactly what you want it to be. And, if that wasn’t fun enough, they even opt for a less common domain, .xxx, making it a triple rhyme: Also even further ensuring that there is no misunderstanding of what this site will offer.When you first arrive at Sex Mex, unless you are fluent in Spanish, the first thing you’ll have to do is translate the page, as it is all in Spanish. Your browser should prompt you, though. If not, the site itself has a built-in English option. Next, you will have to confirm that you are 18 or older. And by confirming, of course, I mean click “enter.” Because a 17-year-old kid definitely couldn’t figure that out. Plus, we all know how teenage boys are when it comes to seeing titties. Obviously, they will see this disclaimer that you must be 18 or older and say to themselves, ‘well, gosh darn it, I guess it looks like I can’t visit this website. No boobies for me today!”Effective, Familiar Site DesignOnce you get past all of the formal bullshit, though, and you log into the member’s area, you can rejoice. You will be immediately greeted with a fuck ton of sexy Latina women, all eager to please. The layout of the site should look familiar to anyone who’s ever been on a premium pay porn site before. And, actually, it doesn’t look entirely unlike the familiar design of a porn tube. At the top of the page, just below the site menu bar, you’ll find a gallery of the Latest Updates. And, unlike other premium porn sites, they actually give you a solid quantity of videos to choose from in this section. Maybe you’ve been there before, where you log into a porn site and the latest videos section gives you 4 or 5 to choose from, forcing you to click “view all” to see any more than that. It’s bullshit. Sex Mex gets it, though, and they make our lives a lot easier, offering 20-ish of the most recent uploads to check out.Underneath that, you’ll find the 12 top Sex Mex models. This is great, especially if you are relatively unfamiliar with Mexican porn, because it makes it easy to browse and discover what girls you’ll like most. Even if you are well versed in the Mexican porn industry, it still makes it convenient for you to track down your go-to girl and filter out all the others. Whatever you do, though, never get too attached to one porn star. Models get out of the game, often without warning, all the time. The best course of action, I’ve found, is to browse the site by category. Or, you can just go the old-fashioned route and browse all the latest uploads until you find one that catches your attention.You can, it turns out, easily browse Sex Mex by category, too. All you have to do is scroll back up to the top of the page and check out the site menu bar. From here, you can browse by Tag, Scene, or Model if you prefer. There is also a Specials tab, where you can check out offers to other porn sites that you might like as well and reap the discounts. In addition to all that, there is an easy dropdown language bar, which allows you to instantly translate the page. Want to make your fapping a little more productive? Why not translate the page and try learning a new language in the meantime? Arousal is a pretty damn good route to information recall.Sexy Mexicana Porn with some Missing FeaturesOnce you do finally decide on a video to get your fap on to, you’ll find that Sex Mex is pretty comparable to most other premium pay porn sites. You can rate the video (1 to 5 stars), which results in an average rating for each; you can download the video (in either 1080p or 720), and you can comment on the video below it. They also offer a related videos section, but it leaves much to be desired. They only offer up 4 or so suggestions, and it seems to be based mostly on the model; whereas other sites have more complex algorithms that take into account category, situation, hair color, body type, etc., and give you many more videos to check out.Another missing feature that I have come to expect from a porn site that I am paying money for is the ability to create playlists. Or, at the very least, to be able to add videos to a simple Favorites list or a Watch Later or some shit. I am a firm believer (meaning I am a believer who is always firm) in the fact that porn that you pay for should offer as many individualized user features as possible. So, the fact that Sex Mex does not offer a means of easily keeping track of and curating content is a bit of a letdown. But not enough to completely kill my boner. I’m still here for the sexy Mexicanas, for sure.All in all, Sex Mex is a pretty good site filled with plenty of hot Mexican porn. The quality is solid, there are lots of videos to choose from, and it looks like they treat users with a new upload just about every week (sometimes more than that), which is pretty on par for a premium porn site like this. I say check it out. Arriba!