Reddit CantHold, aka r/CantHold! Reddit is a wonderful place for file sharing, get information on stuff that interests you, getting into civil (and completely savage) dialogues with people about a variety of topics like politics, religion, and sex. Of course, Reddit truly wouldn’t be what it is without the thousands of fanmade porn sharing subreddit pages which have not only the same great professional promo photos and trailers that we love, but loads of amateur content.And in a world wide web where the people running Tumblr are taking down erotic content, Facebook is cracking down on people who have unique opinions, and Google’s being accused of search engine result fuckery – Reddit’s give no fucks policy is most welcome these days.But like the world of tube sites, subreddits designed for amateur porn posting can either be phenomenally fap worth or not worth rubbing your crotch over. I’ve been cataloging some of the more interesting Reddit pages of the erotic variety and came across – figuratively and literally – a subreddit called /r/CantHold.After a thorough investigation, here’s what I’ve come to think of the site…“Where This Page Came From?”Some subreddits seem to have been conjured up by anonymous horny fuckers who, once their page is set up, virtual creep around the subreddit and don’t really interact with the other users. I suppose there’s nothing really wrong with that, but one of the nice things about other (non-porn) reddit pages is the fact that the page’s creator and the mods interact with the other subscribers.Fortunately, the maker of Can't Hold, user onenightst, in 2018 put this page together as a place to show off and save his self-made porn GIFs. For reasons even onenightst can't figure out – and I think is due to how hot his original posts are, so check them out – this subreddit blew up within a matter of months. Now, according to the page's creator, Can't Hold is a subreddit for…“Amateurs & homemade & real girls gone wild porn that will make you cum! Hot sweet wet pussy, big boobs & nice tits, PAWGs, blowjobs, cock riding, those kind of things.. are not only available in professional porn.”Sure that sounds like a lot of porn pages on reddit, but this one has some more flare than you might think. Keep on reading and I think you'll agree with this page's unofficial motto, this subreddit is "a man's collection of porn."“What The Hell Does Can’t Hold Mean?”Usually, most subreddits have pretty direct, straightforward titles, especially the porn-focused one. You usually don't find many, or at least many good ones, with such an esoteric name. So, surely you must be thinking, this title must have some deep meaning to it.Well, according to the page founder, it's totally random. Like I said earlier, this page was just made to be a repository for sex GIFs for the lulz and the fapz. I know that may sound disappointing but it is what it is.“What Am I Going To See”Just like Reddit, when GIFs cam out they quickly captured the fascination of people on the internet from all over the world. And thank the porn gods, Can't Hold is dedicated to promoting the sexy GIFs of hot and horny users from every part of the globe. You're going to see all sorts of cummy content, and there is fresh stuff uploaded every damn day.On top of all of that, the huge community of over 170,000 readers has led to a fantastic amount of archived content going back months. With all of this stuff which might be tedious scroll back to find, the webmasters have come up with a neat way to show off older fap material.Just check out the Can't Hold homepage, and you'll see the post "Top/Featured Posts – November 2018" which features links to the top ten posts of that month as well as a series of featured posts. To give you a tease, some of the GIFs include all amateur, all original posts of fantastic facials, big bootied blonds, and girls riding cock like their lives depend on it.“What Are Da Rulz?”Like any good Reddit page, Can't Hold has a set of rules to keep the content focused on the kind of stuff that you love to see. They aren't difficult or anything, but I thought that I should review them since I'm certain that not only you'll like the subreddit, but you should join.First and most obvious, no minors are allowed. That means that both readers and posters must be eighteen or older. And it also means that all of the material posted must be of people of legal age. This subreddit has a no tolerance policy for violators and anyone who breaks this rule will be permabanned from the page and reported to Reddit.Second, while this policy is obvious, you aren’t allowed to post any spam either. While that can be interpreted pretty broadly, that means that you aren’t allowed to sell shit or promote commercial activity on the site. While you can link to quality offsite videos, I’m pretty sure that you’re not supposed to use your own posts to links to (most) other subreddit pages.Third, mind who your image host is. The only approved image host service providers are imgur, gfycat, giphy, and reddituploads. Of course, you must link to images directly – no redirect or advertising fuckery.Forth, this is a subreddit committed to nudity, so as nice as they are, mild erotica or content focused on teasing isn’t what the readers are looking for. So, all submissions must be of a GIF with some kind of suggestive nudity. Of course, explicit nudity and sex is very, very welcome.Fifth, weirdly, you can't post any videos to the site. You can link offsite to reputable websites hosting legal content or video posted on r/myamateurporn.Sixth, no trolls or assholes allowed and any who join will be banned.Seventh, Can’t Hold seeks to maintain it’s prestige and attract only the best fap material. So, be sure to bring your best porn to the floor – posts with crappy quality will be removed. Further, re-posted posts will be removed without warning.If you see any violating those rules, you’re encouraged to be a good community member and report them. Fortunately, the folks who post on this page tend to be good slutty stewards of this subreddit and consistently post only the best GIFs and vids.Should You Be A Member?Of course, you should. There are literally hundreds of new posts archived and new ones being added almost literally every hour. If you're into GIFs porn, you'll never have to go anywhere else to see awesome amateur cum worthy content.There is a great community to interact with, and there are social things to take part in, too. Overall, this is one of the best subreddits I've ever seen, and I'm certain you'll think so, too. After all, 171,000 plus readers can't be wrong, can they?I'm not sure why they want people to upload videos to the site, even if they are short clips, but do allow links to offsite videos. But other than that there isn't much else to complain about this site.Oh, and on top of all of that, I should mention that they promote me by linking to my homepage – and I love it when people promote my porn reviews. So, in my book onenightst as well as the mods and readers at Can’t Hold are honorary friends of the site.Trust me, after just a glimpse you can’t hold off being a regular reader at r/Can’tHold. I strongly recommend checking this page out and give it four out of five hands.And if you are a sexy woman and start uploading and link me to your stuff – I’d love to see it. ;)