Porn tubes have been the main driving force of online smut since the mid-2000s, when companies officially had the money and resources to start hosting videos for free viewing. Believe it or not, it wasn’t too long ago when streaming video was literally a dream that seemed unattainable. Then time did its thing, and streaming video became a standard for pornography, and the people loved it. Watching videos online is probably the number 1 method of enjoying porn today. Even though you can download videos to your computer and watch them over and over again, the fact that you probably have an uninterrupted internet connection pretty much means that you’re likelier to stream the videos online. It’s less of a hassle.All right, now that we got all of that technical history out of the way, let’s talk about IXXX. Is this a porn tube? No, sir, it’s a one-up on every porn tube out there. What could be better than a porn tube, you might be asking yourself. Well, how about all the great porn tubes, rolled into one? That’s exactly what IXXX is. It’s an aggregate site for all the major porn tube sites and quite a few minor ones. It’s basically a better, faster, smarter way to sort through every single porn tube out there and find exactly what you’re looking for. There are way too many porn tubes to count, and it can be a fucking nightmare opening a hundred or so tabs to check through every single one of your favorite sites. That’s where IXXX comes in.All the Blowjobs. All of Them.You need an assistant. Someone to go through all of your favorite porn sites, categorize them, and put them into a neat little pile for you so you can dive in headfirst. That’s what IXXX are here to do. You see, they automatically aggregate all the porn videos from porn tubes and pull in the titles and thumbnails. Now, we’re here to talk about blowjobs specifically; don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten. You’re basically looking at around 15 million results under the blowjob section, which should give you a pretty good idea of how this works. It’s literally like a magnet that attracts every single blowjob clip from the entire fucking internet.Now, that also means that you get good clips and bad ones, since not every porn tube is made equal. So, why come to IXXX for blowjob clips? Why not just go to a great porn tube and stick to their section? Well, I gave that a lot of thought and quite a bit of research and I think I actually have a very helpful conclusion.No Bullshit TrendsHave you noticed in the past few years that every time you visit your favorite porn tube, there seems to be some kind of niche that’s being plastered all-over their home pages, ads, and even results pages? You’re not imagining it; it’s really happening. It’s this stupid consequence of a free market where porn tubes keep serving up videos that they think people want to see, but people only see what is being served up, so it ends up being some sort of dumbass loop that you can’t get out of.A couple of years back, it was step-sisters, somewhere in between it was D.Va from Overwatch and a ton of rule 34, then the camwhores invaded. The point is, you can’t get away from current trends on popular tube sites because they don’t actually have a way of showing you the best videos, and it’s not even their fault. They show you what’s most popular and you watch it. But, when you watch it, you make it more popular, thus ensuring it floats to the top of other people’s results. That means that actual fucktons of quality porn get buried, and you never actually get to them.So, you go to a porn tube to see some blowjobs, but you only get blowjobs with step-sisters in them. If you want to see MILFs, you have to type them in. And it’s not like you can search for “No step-sister blowjob”. Search engines don’t work that way. You can’t filter out the bullshit. And that’s exactly where IXXX comes in.Immune to BullshitIXXX have been aggregating videos for a very long time. On top of that, they import this shit from across the web, including old websites. So, that means that you’re not just being force-fed the latest, most attractive fad. You get all the blowjob videos, not just the ones that came out recently. On the very first results page on the blowjobs section, I managed to see a Britney Amber video, plus some Eva Lovia from a few years back and a bunch of iDeepThroat vids featuring the legendary Heather Harmon. For my younger readers, Heather was an absolute legend who started out making deepthroat videos all the way back in the year 2000. She basically invented and perfected the fucking genre. No-one sucks a dick like Heather, let me tell you.So, to see a legend from almost 20 years ago, plus Eva Lovia, plus the currently trending Britney Amber all on one home page, without having to go to the second page, in a list of almost 15 million videos… That tells me all I need to know. These videos are actually sorted by quality, rather than being some sort of random mishmash of current trends. This is where you find quality blowjobs. And, seeing as how no single human being can actually go through 15 million blowjob clips in one lifetime, I’d say that the well is very much bottomless. There simply isn’t any better place to get your fill of blowjob videos of any kind. I don’t care what your preference is; you’ll find the kind of blowjob you’re looking for right here. Grannies, young girls, veterans, amateurs, homemade, professional, it’s all right here, available in the highest quality that they could find.How It WorksI mentioned that IXXX don’t actually host any videos, they just link to them. But, you have the handy thumbnail plus the title and the source website, so you know where you’re going to end up. Plus, they don’t link to any non-reputable sources. You only get quality links here. Sure, there might be several dozen sites, but they’re all vetted and proper. And, they’re all free. There’s no paywall at the end of this bottomless well of smut. You find a video you want to see, you click on it, and you get whisked away to another website in a new tab.You arrive on the original website and the video starts playing. That’s about it. Sometimes I’ll feel hard-pressed to stay on the destination site and check out what else they have in store, but I always come back to IXXX, especially when it comes to the blowjobs, because they have a very clever way of screen capping the best parts of the blowjob. I instantly know whether I’m going to enjoy what I’m about to see.Not to mention that they also have a perfect sorting system in case you don’t want to sort by popularity. You can choose specific source websites if you’d like to filter more narrowly. So, you can choose YouPorn and only see blowjobs from that site, in the same layout as before. You can even mix and match several websites at a time. Then, you can sort the videos by date added, duration, and quality. The duration one really gets me, because it’s great for quick faps. If you know you’ve got five minutes to fap, fuck it, slide that bad boy down to 30 seconds and get a few super sexy clips. If a blowjob video is highly rated and it’s 30 seconds, you know it’s going to be some super-hot shit, else it wouldn’t get uploaded. This is literally the best way to browse for blowjob clips.The Website’s DesignI guess it’s slightly better than your average porn tube because there’s less shit going on. 90% of the goddamn screen is reserved for the porn thumbnails, the rest is just the top bar that has all the sorting options and that’s it. Oh, and did I mention that there are literally no ads on this amazing website? I have no idea how they manage to pull it off, but there it is. An amazing site that has every blowjob on the planet and it’s all free with no ads.I was blown away the first time I laid eyes on all of these free blowjob clips and I guarantee that you’ll be impressed too, if you just check it out for a minute. If you want to dive headfirst into some blowjob clips and you’re tired of being force-fed the same bullshit trends by major porn tubes, this is the place for you.
