To many, XVideos is known as a platform that can provide you with a pretty substantial number of porn videos. And while that may be true, it’s also a website that can provide you with some more niche categories of content. One such category is ASMR porn. I know, it sounds silly to think that ASMR has made its way into the porn industry, but it’s true. On this website, you will be able to get ASMR porn and enjoy it as much as you want, and all for free. Well, if that doesn’t sound like a good deal to you on, then I don’t know what is. Let’s take a deeper dive into it all, shall we?Completely new way to think about pornFirst of all, a word or two about ASMR porn. This stuff is getting more and more popular because guys these days are getting bored from the same old, same old hardcore porn. They need something new and interesting. Now, personally, I don’t mind all the hardcore porn. I can watch porn forever! I’m The Porn Dude, after all, so you can expect that from me. But there are many men out there who just want to try a new genre of porn that they have never even heard of before and ASMR really fills that role quite nicely. It’s new, it’s fresh, and it gives you a different feeling from porn!So, is XVideos a place where you can find ASMR porn? You bet your ass that it is! I’ll get more into the numbers in a bit, but from what I can see at first glance, there is so much ASMR porn on XVideos that you won’t need any other porn site or platform for that kind of content. You can kick back and relax as you listen to the most soothing sounds that sex can produce. From chicks whispering naughty things into your ear to some extremely hot sounds such as ass cheeks clapping together or the sound of a cock entering a well-oiled up and wet vagina. There is just so much content to check out and enjoy on here.Listen to ASMR porn completely freeNow, as you might have already known, is a free website. It’s one that you can always count on when it comes to supplying you with some of the best porn content for free. It’s one of the big dogs in the porn industry, and it’s one of those websites that can rival Pornhub and XHamster when it comes to the number of videos they have to offer you for free. So, if you have any doubt that you’re dealing with a huge website, remember what I just told you. This isn’t your everyday porn site. This one really has a lot of heft behind it with all the content that gets uploaded to it every single fucking day!And along many other porn videos that get uploaded to X Videos, ASMR porn is also there to fill the niche that some of my fans are getting into. That’s why I’m here to tell you all about it and to tell you that you can get all of that content for free. That’s right, you don’t have to pay a single penny and you will be able to enjoy all of this ASMR porn completely free of charge! Listen, there are good deals, and then there are great deals. When you are getting this much free niche ASMR porn, you have to consider it a great deal in my honest opinion. So yeah, don’t worry about any hidden payments or anything.Hundreds of thousands of ASMR porn videosOkay, that sounds great, but how much of this ASMR porn can you really expect to get on X Videos? Believe me, when you see the numbers, you’ll lose your shit. This isn’t a site you can take lightly and not give a shit about. Just seeing the numbers myself really blows my mind. There are porn tube sites that don’t have this many videos in total! And yet XVideos has this many videos just for the search term of ASMR porn. It’s incredible. Of course, it should be said that this site has existed for a very long time and so it makes sense that they have managed to acquire a fuckton of video material for you to enjoy.With ASMR porn, it’s not even the video aspect that you should think about; it’s more the audio aspect instead. When it comes to ASMR porn, listening to the audio is what you really need to care about. That being said, sometimes the video completes it with the visual stimuli complementing the audio ones. But we’re getting a bit off track here. What you really want to find out is just how many videos you can expect to find on this website when you search for ASMR porn. Are you ready? Okay, here goes… On the site XVideos, you can find over 187,000 videos to watch when searching for ASMR porn! That’s so much!The advertisements can get a bit annoyingI mean, let’s be honest, many porn sites don’t even come close to having that many porn videos in total, let alone, porn videos that fulfill your niche need of ASMR porn. But it should be said that since XVideos is a porn tube site where the people who upload the content can be random users, it can sometimes happen that you don’t exactly get ASMR content even though you searched for it. Sometimes people just put as many tags as they can just to get featured on the results page of many search inquiries. This is bad because you don’t end up getting what you were looking for and it can affect your experience.But okay, certain hiccups are to be expected with any porn tube site. What’s important is that you don’t even need to be a registered user to enjoy all this content. makes more than enough money off of you just by showing you ads. Now, the ads are arguably the worst part of the site, and for me, this is one of the things that you should really weigh when you compare this site to many of the other big dogs in the industry. Just look at the ads and see which ones are more bearable to you and go with that site since there is so much content in the ASMR search inquiry to last you a lifetime on all websites.Okay design, but can seem a bit clutteredOf course, you also get plenty of features that come with as well. While there are many standard things like sorting mechanisms, seeing the latest, top-rated, and most popular videos, you can even change it to seeing Straight, Gay, or even Trans content. And don’t be fooled; there are almost just as many ASMR porn videos in the gay and trans categories too on the site; around 180,000 for gay and 177,000 for trans videos. That’s more than enough to last you forever if you’re into that kind of stuff. The only thing that XVideos lacks is an official category for AMSR or any kind of audio-centered porn. Now, I’m sure that they can add something like that, and your worries would be no more in the future.But until they do that, I have to call them out on it. I’ll also call them out on the fact that the UI of the site can look pretty cluttered when you’re looking at it after searching for some porn videos. In my opinion, this is a pretty big downside to an otherwise great site. I always wonder about how I could make it better, and in this case, I think that I would just simplify this website a little bit. After all, when you look at it, you might see room for improvement too. This still doesn’t change the fact that X Videos looks better than most of the porn sites out there and that you can’t really dig its grave out just for not being the best in the visual department. After all, ASMR is audio-based, so that’s what’s truly important!