Everyone knows that porn comes in many different forms. It doesn’t just have to be videos, as they could also be pictures. That’s exactly the philosophy of Pictoa.com. They don’t really think that videos are the do all end all of porn and you’ll soon come to realize that this is in fact quite true. In fact, you’ll realize that porn pictures can be even better in some cases and they can bring forth a lot more pleasure. So, let’s check Pictoa.com out together and see what we can find out about what this place is all about.Porn picture galleries definitely have a charm to themAlright, I’ll be the first one to tell you that I’m just a sucker for porn videos. I don’t think that the porn industry would be the same without them. However, I can also admit that there is a time and a place for porn pictures and Pictoa.com is the perfect example of how a site can make this work. Porn pics are something that you get adjusted to and you probably won’t see a point to it if you grew up watching porn videos exclusively. For those of you that actually remember all those Playboy magazines, you’ll understand how porn pics can actually be sexy as hell.Pretty much every single porn genre that you can imagine is hereSo, the thing about Pictoa.com is that the pictures that they have pretty much cover all porn genres. I don’t think that there’s a single category that they left out and you’ll quickly realize this as well as you’re scouring through the Categories section and looking for some hot new genres to check out. The moment you click on the Categories section, you’re going to be blown away by the number of selections that you have. They put everything in alphabetic order and you can expect that every letter has like 30 genres in it. That’s a hell of a lot of genres for you to check out and you can rest assured that you’ll end up finding your stay in one of them.Something will definitely be according to your taste on hereHeck, you don’t need to like 70% of the shit that you’ll see on Pictoa.com, but there will definitely be content that’s going to hit quite close to home when it comes to what kind of porn you like to watch in your spare time. Don’t even trust me, just go ahead and check out all of the amazing genres that Pictoa.com has to offer and you’ll see for yourself. There are vanilla genres such as Anal, Big Tits and so on, but there are also some really taboo and fetish categories such as the Aliens category as well as some BDSM categories as well. One more cool thing is that the nationalities each have their own categories. This means that not only do you have the German category, but you also have like 7 different subcategories for German porn alone.Anyway, I don’t think that the categories are the only thing that proves how much amazing content there truly is on Pictoa.com. In fact, you have to look at the number of posts that each of these categories has in order to get the full scope of what you can expect on Pictoa.com. There are thousands upon thousands of pictures in every single category, and some categories even have tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of porn galleries. Some of these galleries are single pictures, true, but many of them are compilations of some really crazy porn shit that you’ve never seen before in your life.You can find some really crazy porn fetish picturesEspecially the Fetish section which has some of the weirdest porn that I have ever seen. There are compilations of some truly bizarre porn pics here, and I don’t even know if all of these are suitable for viewing. The only thing I do know is the fact that there are so many damn pictures on here that you’ll never run out of content to watch. Even if you spend just one second looking at each gallery, it would still take you forever to see everything that Pictoa.com has to offer. You’ll love the countless hours that you’ll spend on here once you get glued to this kind of porn picture content.And here’s the thing, right? I know that some of you guys are going to be like: “Ah porn pics are just for people with shitty internet who can’t watch proper porn videos because they can’t buffer the damn videos, not even in 240p” and I have to completely disagree with you on that point. In fact, I think that porn pictures have a lot more soul to them and they can be a lot better than videos. In fact, the videos in the porn industry are usually all the same, with the same fucking shot over and over again. The pictures have a lot more soul to them since they’re always in a new angle and with a really sexy pose to them.It’s not only softcore content, as there’s plenty of hardcore stuff as wellThey can be solo pictures with chicks stripping and they can also be pictures of more than one people. This means proper porn can also be experienced here as well as some hardcore shit. That’s right, I’m sure that some of you are shocked to hear that porn pics aren’t exclusively made for softcore porn and that there’s quite a bit of hardcore stuff on Pictoa.com to check out. I mean, just looking at the massiveness of the repository, there is no way that there isn’t hardcore content on here. Not only that, but there’s probably so much of that content that even if you concentrate on that exclusively, you STILL wouldn’t be able to go through all the porn on Pictoa.com.All the pornstars that you knew of and even those that you’re yet to discoverThere are also hundreds of pornstars to choose from in the Pornstars category which you can find in the main navigation bar alongside all of the other sections of the website. Pictoa.com made sure to include all really famous as well as some less famous porn stars. You’ve got them all sorted by name and in alphabetical order, so if you have a favorite pornstar that you enjoy watching, you’ll end up finding her in no time. You’ll love checking her out on Pictoa.com as well since she’s probably got a ton of material on here.Free for everyone to use, even without an accountBut of course, probably the most important part of all of this is that all the picture galleries are free. You won’t have to pay anything, and you can view as many of them as you want. The only problem is that since it’s free you’ll have to endure some ads that are going to make the experience a little bit more annoying with all the pop-ups and everything of that sort. But hey, nothing in life is free and you have to deal with that. Still, though, it’s pretty amazing that you won’t have to pay actual money to check out all of this amazing content on Pictoa.com.When you look at the whole picture, Pictoa.com is really one of those sites that you just can’t leave out of your porn repertoire. With so many amazing porn galleries at your disposal, you’ll love seeing everything that Pictoa.com has to offer. And of course, since it’s free there’s nothing stopping you from checking out your favorite genres as well as experimenting with some new stuff that you might not have considered in the past. What I’m trying to say is that you can go nuts here and check out all sorts of crazy shit. Don’t be afraid and don’t keep it vanilla, get out of your comfort zone, and experience all of the amazing porn that you’ve got for free on Pictoa.com.