What can be found at Eroti City? Do you know how you usually find some of the best porn on some of the most obscure websites out there? Yeah, well it would seem that this is exactly the case with Eroticity.net. This place seems like any other adult forum, but it’s just riddled with some of the best porn content and you wouldn’t even guess that it was without checking it out. Luckily for you, I’ve taken the liberty of exploring everything that Eroticity.net has to offer and you’ll be thrilled to find out about all the things that I managed to spot on here. Seriously though, you should stick around for this cause it’s pretty good, for the most part.The design isn’t exactly innovative or anything like thatNow, here’s the thing, I don’t want to bag on them about the design straight out of the box, so I’ll leave that for later. But you guys already know that I’m not a big fan of these forum type designs. This is basically minimal effort as far as the design aspect is concerned and that’s one of the main reasons why people don’t really care to stick around on this website. I get that, so I’d definitely suggest that Eroticity.net at least tries to make the forum look a little bit more appealing and modern in some ways. Maybe some color palette switches or perhaps a customizable layout. I actually dig some of the graphics since it’s not that old vanilla look, but I think that those guys could do better than that.Whoops, seems like I bagged on them anyway. Ah, what can you do, the truth had to be put out there and now it has been done. Eroticity.net is still a pretty good site it’s just that I haven’t gotten to all the good parts just yet. First of all, all you need to know is that this place is a fucking HUB. And when I say that I mean it. I’m not making an acronym there, by the way, I’m just putting an emphasis on that word. Damn, I feel really wordy today. I guess that all that reading has started to pay off. I mean after years of watching porn your bran can really only comprehend so much. Either way, let’s start checking out all the content on Eroticity.net.So much content on here in different sectionsFirst, we need to locate all the different sections that you might need. It doesn’t matter if you’re looking for some vanilla stuff or if you’re a sick fuck looking for scat porn. Everything is available on Eroticity.net and it’s all free. Granted, some things are actually meant for the members of the website and not outsiders. Either way, let’s jump to the first section where you’ll find some of the best-automated materials in the business. I mean I have no idea how they managed to automate all of these images and videos, but more power to them. There are literally hundreds of thousands of threads in this section alone and this is where the bulk of the content comes from on Eroticity.net. You can check the videos and pictures out here but you also have the option to download them as well.You can make a free account on here with minimal effortMaking an account is free and easy, and you don’t have to do it if you just intend to view all the content on Eroticity.net. Actually, I think that you can even download some of the content without making an account previously. That being said, even though the site is free, you’ll need to suffer through some ads since I guess you have to pay somehow. And I have to say that the ads aren’t the worst that I’ve seen, I’ve definitely seen much worse ads than this before. All that being said though, I’d prefer it if there weren’t any pop-up ads so that’s something that I’ll have on my wishlist as far as Eroticity.net is concerned.The main navigation is simple to comprehendThere are three main buttons at the top of the page that I think I need to mention by the way. One of them is for viewing all the new content that has arrived at Eroticity.net. The next one is to just come back to the forum page of the site. The third one is an ad for a cam site so don’t really bother with that one. I mean you can bother with it if you care to be redirected to a completely different website, but I’m telling you Eroticity.net is where it’s at. You just haven’t given this place a fair shot if you’re so quick to make a decision and switch over to something else.Then there’s the smaller navigation bar underneath that one and it has some extra features but nothing too spectacular. Well, there’s only one spectacular thing on that bar, and that’s the link to my website. Ey, did you think that would go unnoticed? We’re in the house baby! Oh, and it’s that other dude as well… what’s his name again? Oh, wait, who even cares? Anyway, other than that there’s not much that you’ll be doing at the top of the page. You’ll probably be spending most of your time on the first section of thread rooms. There’s the Adult Photo Sets and Adult Video Scenes, and then you’ve also got two collections from FilesMonster which are automated services. So that’s pretty dope.Photos are available in pretty much every categoryThen you have other sections of the website which are equally as dope but have a bit less content. There are still hundreds of thousands of threads even in these sections but they’re a bit more spread out if I can say it like that. First, there are photo collections. There are all sorts of Photos here starting with the Adult photos and then going through all the different categories such as Softcore, Hardcore, Amateur and so on. You can find pretty much every type of category here so don’t be afraid to check all of them out if they suit your taste. I mean you don’t need me to hold your fucking hand. Just choose the porn that you like and enjoy it thoroughly.This place isn’t a stranger to videos eitherOther than the Photo section you’ve also got the, you guessed it, Video section. That wasn’t hard to guess or to see coming unless you’re completely retarded with an IQ below 70, so let me just give you a quick rundown of all the different categories as far as the Video section is concerned. You’ve got Amateur videos, Hardcore videos, Tranny videos, even Scat videos for all you sickos out there. I mean who the fuck watches this shit anyway? Pun intended. You’ve also got Vintage porn, Softcore porn and so on. So yeah, plenty of stuff to choose from, just make sure you don’t choose the shitty option (and we all know which one that is)Specialized content for gay people and celebrity loversAnd finally, you have the Gay content, Celebrity content, and Misc content. I guess you can check these out for yourself if you’re into that. As for me, I think that the hundreds of thousands of posts in the other sections are going to do just fine. There’s more than enough content being uploaded on here so that I’ll never run out. So if you feel like you need a good source of porn that isn’t one of those classic porn tube sites, then you should look into Eroticity.net. It seems like a really nice alternative to that.So all in all, Eroticity.net is one of those sites that you just have to check out to know for sure whether or not it has what you’re looking for. At first glance, you might think that this is just another forum, but upon further inspection, you’ll notice that there are plenty of things that you’ve missed when you just glossed over the website itself. And once you start checking out all the hot content on Eroticity.net you’ll be coming back every fucking day after that. I swear that this place is worth checking out so go ahead and do it today!