Img Tornado is one of those sites that you can use to upload hot images to the web. Whether it is your own GIF that you created of your favorite pornstar or simply a beautiful woman that you think is hot, you can use it to make your porn dreams cum true. Plus, you can use it to make money. How is that possible you might ask? Well, you can earn money per 1000 views of your pictures. The top tier countries pay up to $6 (that’s USD) for 1000 views. These countries include the US, UK and Canada. Other countries pay less but you can still make a mint if you’ve got some hot pics! They send payments via usual systems like Paypal, Payza and Skrill so it’s easy to get paid if you’re an image master or mistress who knows how to help people get off!This site is one that takes the law pretty seriously. They have a whole section for DMCA so if you need to report that someone has taken your copyrighted image or used an image of you without permission, they will take your claim gravely and work on it as soon as they can. They really want to just create a hot place on the net where people can share photos and don’t want to do any harm in the world so that people can get off even easier! That’s all.Their “friends” page is a bit lacking. Perhaps they need to go out to the local haunt and make some new friends. They only have three links listed for now and it’s not exactly clear what they are. One of them is a torrent provider while the other ones don’t work. Hey, I’ll be your friend! Oh wait, I already am as they have kindly provided a link to my site because they know that my reviews are simply the best. It kinda makes me blush when people recognize all of the hard work I have done to make my porn site the number one site around for folks like you to use to find out how to get off.The news page is also lacking. They only have two short news items and those are now from 2016. They could have some interesting porn industry articles to share with everyone and anyone but instead, it’s basically a blank page. Oh well, we are here to upload our images not do anything else so let’s not worry about it!