Stuffer DB, the database of Stuffers & Gainers! She didn't get fat, and ugly, there's just more of her to love right now! Heyoooo!!! You have to reframe it somehow. Most people aren't into fat chicks, but the few nuts that are can call their second home, as it practically is a sanctuary for the filthiest BBW-related erotic content. Filthy naked pictures, videos, even comics and miscellaneous content related to fat chicks. The pictures and the videos on Stuffer DB aren't necessarily pornographic in nature, what you'll find might just be pretty pictures of fat girls, they don't even have to be naked (but for the most part, they are).StufferDB's homepageSo, as soon as you make your way inside of, you'll notice that the home page has a rather specific look. Most porn websites don't organize their homepage like this. For this reason, we will talk a little about the home page itself as it is obviously the most important and the most intriguing part of StufferDB (right next to the pornography, obviously).A few sections exist on the home page, and what you'll find in there is quite amazing. I like how much effort has been put into sorting out all of these pictures, videos, and even webcams. Imagine if humans cared about things that matter more (such as politics or science) as much as they cared about pornography. The first section that you'll notice is the section with no name that has all the various categories that you may find on the website.A bunch of kinky membersSo, the first one is called "sDB members," and basically what you're supposed to find in here are pictures of thick girls who love taking naked pictures of themselves, and so they ended up posting these pictures to Or maybe these are just random pictures the owner of this page found on Google search to make it seem as if the page has some actual fans? I'm just kidding. This page is pretty god damn big when you take the amount of content that is posted here and the traffic it gets into consideration.Loads of amateursNext, we have the "amateurs" category, and this one is pretty much self-explanatory. This one has around 30 thousand files, and they have all been divided into roughly 550 albums. You can expect sexy pictures and videos of wild thick girls here. Next, we have yet another category, and this one has way more content than the previous one, and it is called "models." Within the Models section (which just so happens to have around 53 thousand files within it that have been divided into 372 albums) you'll find pictures and videos of sexy BBW models who love baring it all for the camera, which is quite understandable. Why not show off such lovely chubby bodies to the world? You'll also find a category named "studios," and within this category, you'll find a bunch of videos of thick girls showing off their bodies, but it's in front of an HD camera this time. This section has 216 files within it, and they have been divided into 17 albums.Overweight nude youtubers?A section dedicated to YouTube babes exists as well. You might not understand what this section is exactly about right away, though? I mean, youtube can be a hellish place where if you look long enough, you just might find the weirdest content that you never thought could exist on such a website, seeing how much the people behind that website love to censor stuff, but for some reason, this content still exists in there. While it is technically pornographic in nature, it isn't that explicit. For this reason, the "porn" manages to remain on YouTube without getting taken down. It's mostly just videos of girls feeling themselves up, which isn't that bad, right? However, it can get people hard, so it definitively belongs to! Now, here's a section that might be a little depression, but oh well. So, this section (or rather, this category) is called "before & after." While most people will post before and after pictures after they have been hitting the gym for ages and after they get ripped and whatnot, these girls aren't exactly up for that.They decided to pursue the ancient ideal of feminine beauty that most of us have decided to leave behind us. Thick, bloated bellies, big, plump breasts, and wide hips. Now, what I mean by "pursuing the ancient ideal of feminine beauty," is that these girls got fat on purpose. For some people, this can be quite sad (as being this thick comes with some health problems and most people just don't find fat girls to be that attractive, so what they're doing is basically ruining their bodies in order to appeal to a small crowd of porn addicts), but the folks that find this kind of thing to be sad probably don't hang around n, right? They wouldn't be wasting their time here, that's for sure. Rather, they stick around on basic pages such as PornHub, or XVideos...and so on. However, you want to beat your meat to fat bitches, and this is precisely why you're here, so it is quite obvious that you don't find these pictures to depressing at all, rather, they are quite arousing and pleasant to look at for you.Don't forget the art hoesThere's yet another section called "art and comics," and what you'll find in here are various drawings of thick girls and random comics. Sounds pretty good, right? You'll find lots of weird shit up in here which shouldn't be surprising. The people who draw porno comics on the internet are usually weird as fuck, so things can spiral out of control in their comics. We have over ten thousands of illustrations of thick girls at, which is quite impressive, actually. That's a lot of time and effort that went into breathing life into 2d thick babes. These illustrations have been divided into 222 albums.What do we have in here?Next, there is the miscellaneous section, and what you'll find here is truly a blessing. Around ten thousand pictures can be found here, and they have been divided into 102 albums. You can't really expect much from a section like this on a website that is dedicated to porn about thick girls, can you? Maybe you can, to a degree. Open this category up, and what you'll find within it are eight more sub-categories. First off, there's a section dedicated entirely to "celebs." What you find on the thumbnail for this section is a picture of Britney Spears being hot and skinny, and right next to it is a picture of Britney Spears still being hot but not so skinny. Some people masturbated to this picture at some point in time, which is honestly amazing. The regular Britney is already unappealing enough!Maybe it's just me. I wouldn't know. Next, there is also a section that is entirely dedicated to gifs of fat girls playing with their bodies, whether it be innocent videos of girls touching their bellies and whatnot or videos of thick girls masturbating with their asses up and their faces down. It might also be gifs of girls with big boobs hanging around. Next, there is a section all about pregnant chicks, and this is where all the weird stuff can be found. Let's not be judgemental, but the pregnancy fetish is probably the weirdest fetish on this page and the weirdest fetish in general. I understand you get off to the feminine looks of a woman during pregnancy, but how do you manage to sexualize a woman who currently happens to have a child inside her belly. It's fucked up to me, but you do you, my man. Next, there is a sub-category called "unknown," and within this one, you'll just find lots of random pictures and videos.Last but not leastIf you want the download button to follow you around all over the place (not literally, it's a static button, so it won't stalk you), you will have to create an account, and luckily for you, the process is quick, simple, and it doesn't cost you a dime. This is the final step you have to take in order to become a proper fan of After you've done this, you've finally made peace with your fat girl fetish.