Need a waifu sex simulator? Nothing can beat the thrill of finding your favorite waifu. Not when it means you are an apple of the eye to each and every sexy babe in a whole group of waifus. There are playful 2D girls counting on you to entertain, feed, clean, and put them to bed. In addition, use your gaming prowess to satisfy their unending sexual drive. The game is published by Super Hippo and pays homage to the iconic Tamagotchi, meaning it brings nostalgic feelings while also adding an adult (18+) feel. And because you are up for the challenge, expect to feel like hentai version of Hugh Heffner. There are sex scenes to be enjoyed and I’m sure you will be looking forward to that.What is the game all about? Gamers get the opportunity to play the character who takes a risky bargain with a succubus to win girls and because you have the ability to make them walk right into your house, gamers get to enjoy playing the role of the ultimate caretaker. There are challenges aplenty, but playtime is just as important. You can play up to six mini-games with the sexy girls as you attempt to keep each of them entertained. Date all of them at the same time and bring the nastiness out of each one of them.If that is not appealing enough to you, how about playing six mini-games and being rewarded with hot, uncensored CG images once you’ve completed the mini game's challenge? That’s right. The images span six different characters who you can date in addition to over 30 animated sex scenes. Not to mention, more are coming soon. The higher your scores, the more you make your waifu want you. I’m sure that should serve as motivation.According to the developer, “Our goal was to create an outlet that would let you find a moment of peace. Something that could make you smile during each commute to work or every quiet evening. You’d be welcomed by fantastic women, who return all of your attention, affection and time in spades.” That just about sums up Pocket Waifu, to be honest. Entertain yourself with lip-smacking imagery of callipygian babes from all over the world. Stupid feminists will be up in arms but with both your hands and a heart full, I highly doubt you will give a fuck.The good folks at Pocket Waifu wanted to include every taste of sensually delectable cuties to fulfill whatever desires you may have. And they damn well succeeded. You can find girls ranging from the outgoing blonde, short-haired brunette, the busty and more. To put it plainly, there is a little bit of everything for everyone, but enough to make sure you leave the game as a satisfied gamer, that is if you manage to leave at all. The girls are fully-formed and insanely sexy ‘in a gamer kind of way’.Pocket Waifu does not simply bring you copy-pasted characters in different outfits. Far from it, the girls come in unique forms and personalities and they almost look like cosplays at your beck and call in another fantasy world. On top of that, you get to dress your waifu in whatever outfit you may have in mind. What do you prefer; Classy outfits? Pretty lingerie? Lusty costumes? It doesn’t matter. Choose from a variety of nice and sexy clothes and have your waifu the same way you prefer your drink. Play this game and you may as well edge a step closer to avoiding western developed games completely, trust me.Enjoy daily challenges and win bonuses by completing them. Apart from choosing your preferred outfit for your waifu, you also get to customize your room with tons of furniture to complete your gaming experience.There isn’t a lot regarding options and but I’m sure Super Hippo will be looking to add more features in the near future. I would assume they are currently in the process of collecting feedback in the course of the next three months or so as they look to hone their craft and ensure the user has a refined gameplay experience.There was one complaint that the game lacks the ability to save progress and I imagine some gamers might want to wait until the save feature is added.Even so, this is a game that you should keep an eye on as you look forward to sampling the sexy babes and play the caretaker role. Have a wonderful experience.